Hanzo Head-canon

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A/N: I'm publishing a slightly different chapter, which does not involve the reader, but it does have Hanzo in it. I am warning you, this one is not for the faint of heart. Please read at your own risk and do not be afraid to reach out to someone.

Credit: From the official Overwatch game by Blizzard

Trigger warning: depression, self-harm

Since that fateful day that Hanzo attempted to kill his brother Genji, he abandoned his family's empire with a stain on his honour. The Shimada clan targeted Hanzo as a traitor and sent in multiple assassins to eliminate him for his traitorous actions. He no longer could call Hanamura his home ground and fled to an unknown location. Over the years of believing that his brother was gone for good, it made him depressed and broken. Hanzo would still hear the cold steel dragging across Genji's flesh as he would plead for his older brother to stop. He would barely get enough sleep from the nightmares that would wake him each day that passed. He couldn't forgive himself.

For each anniversary on the day that Genji "died", Hanzo sneaks into Shimada Castle undetected and pays his respects for him with an incense offering. However, each year made him more miserable and unwilling to go on with life. Each year he gets his old sword from a locked-up room, the one that struck down Genji. Hanzo heats up the sword with the roaring flames of his fireplace and slices his arm with the burning blade. It hurts him immensely, but he needs the pain to linger as punishment for his crime.

For each scar across his skin, each one hurting more than last year, he struggles to forgive himself. Hanzo believes that he must keep doing this until the day he is dead, in order to have good karma in the afterlife and to keep honouring his brother. Hanzo constantly hears echoes of his younger self, persuading him to put an end to his misery. He almost did. A slow, painful death that involved him to thrust his sword into his jugular. But something urged him to not take his own life... someone.

(Animated short "Dragons" goes by, with Hanzo seeing Genji alive.)

Hanzo meeting his believed-to-be dead brother again is the hardest thing for him to process. He thought that all those years of grieving and cutting himself were for nothing. He confessed to Genji about what he did to himself and his wellbeing all that time. Genji embraced his brother, telling him that all will be well. Hanzo wept for the first time in a decade in Genji's arms, both tears of sadness and joy. Hanzo was finally at peace, with his brother and with himself. 

The End

A/N: I plan to write another one shot like this but with the reader involved! But, not all lives have a happy ending like in stories or in reality. Too many people in the world take their own lives as a way out when they have so much to love for. If you made it this far, please do not let that anger/anxiety/sadness fester inside of you. Speak to a professional, surround yourselves with people you trust and do what makes you happy.

Sending lots of love and hugs to you guys, cheers! <3

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