Cake Off!

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A/N: We all know our boy loves cake, so reader-chan bakes a little surprise for him!

Art credit: Dilfosaur on Tumblr (If you haven't already, follow her! She's the one who made 2 Demons, a McHanzo AU story with them being demons, it's one of my favourite works from her!)

*first person perspective*

Hanzo was way up before I was once again. No surprise, he likes to do his morning training. I still felt his lips on my forehead that hour, bidding me a goodbye before he left for the training room. I thought it was weird how Hanzo likes to train, even on his days off, but I always let him do his thing.

Hanzo still isn't back yet, which didn't worry me a bit. He usually catches up with Genji whenever he gets the chance. Hopping up from my chair, I grabbed out ingredients from the cupboard. Flour, eggs, butter... heh, you probably know what I'm making. I slapped on an apron, turned on the oven and got to work. Hanzo will surely like this one, I thought to myself with a grin.

As I put my cake in the oven to bake, I heard the door unlock. Hanzo paced in the walkway, breath heavy. "Morning, Han!" I said cheerfully. "Hello, dearest," Hanzo replied. We both walked up to hug each other, but it turns out we couldn't! Considering the fact that I was covered in flour and stuff and Hanzo was all sweaty and groggy, it was for the best. Instead, we just gave each other a light kiss on the lips. "I will be heading into the shower," he began, then sniffed the air. "What are you making?" he asked. "I'm not telling!" I replied, standing my ground, "it's a surprise!" Hanzo chuckled to himself, saying that he'll like what I'm whipping up for him as he strolled to the bathroom.

Hearing the whooshing of the shower, the oven timer went off. The cake is ready! Excitement bubbled up inside me. Humming to myself, I grabbed the baked cake out with my polka-dot oven mitts. I left my dessert to cool for a moment. As I left it for a bit, I grabbed out some vanilla frosting and chopped up some strawberries. I poked the cake. Just a tiny bit warm, but that should do it. With a spatula I slathered the cake with smooth frosting. I then carefully placed the strawberries on the top. I stepped back, stroking my chin. Something's missing... just one more thing. I light bulb went off in my head. With the little sifter I dusted the strawberries with some icing sugar. It just looked like snow raining down on tiny red pyramids... in the snow!

As I finished, Hanzo stepped into the kitchen in some comfy clothes. "Ta-da!" I shouted out, doing jazz hands to the now-finished dessert. "Ahh, so that's what the surprise is!" Hanzo beamed, "it looks so amazing. Shall we have this for lunch?" I laughed out loud. "I'm not sure that's very healthy?" I sighed still laughing, "that means you'll have to walk it off!" "I do not mind," Hanzo said with a smile, "as long as I'm having this cake with you."

I let Hanzo have the first slice. "How is it?" I asked. "Mmm, so delicious," he hummed. "Well, I'm glad to hear-mffh!" my sentence was cut off with his cake slice shoved in my mouth. Hanzo covered his mouth and giggled like a kid. Oh, yeah? You wanna try me? Taking the chance with his eyes closed, I took a big slice of cake and mashed it into his face. "Gotcha!" I cried. He just stood there for a moment. Oh no... he just showered... did I piss him off? Instead, Hanzo laughed again. "You caught me off guard there!" he smiled, with a big cakey grin. "Maybe you'll need a hand getting that off?" I cooed, taking some cake off his cheek with my fingers and eating it. "Maybe I will," he replied with a hint of seductiveness. Hanzo leaned forward and gave me a literal sweet kiss. I grinned against his soft lips, with cake still on them. I know he needs to shower again, but I'm sure he won't mind another guest in there with him.

The End!

A/N: Ooooh, we smelt something spicy! Speaking of that matter, I plan to post my first ever smut next chapter! It is not safe for work or for kids, you have been warned!!


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