I Am Here For You

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A/N: This is the reader spinoff edition of my Hanzo headcanon! It's also when Hanzo kisses you for the first time~ ^^ Once again, read at your own risk. If you are sensitive to suicide, depression or blood, please turn away. Without further ado, please enjoy this chapter.

The reader also has a special power that allows her to foresee the future and gets a sickening sensation whenever she predicts something bad.

Artist credit: Caleb Crow from his YouTube animatic "Cut My Hair"

*first person perspective*

About a year ago, I met this man called Hanzo. My powers somehow led me to stay by his side and protect him from... something, but I don't know what. He was, at first, persistent to shut me out, but I stood my ground and remained with him. Over time, he eventually warmed up to me and started talking to each other more. I visited him whenever I wanted to, and he lets me in without question. I can tell that Hanzo is hiding something, keeping a serious mask on to not show it. No matter how many questions I ask, he always manages to change the subject and be evasive about this secret.

A wave of nausea crashed over me, bringing me to my knees. I pressed my fingertips to my temples, squeezing my eyes shut. Something terrible is happening, but to who? The pain is at its worst where something bad is bound to happen to someone close to me. My family members are healthy and well... Hanzo. I needed to see him! Wincing, I felt a sharp sting on my arm. What is he doing to himself? Is he cutting his wrists? I scrambled to my feet, racing my way over to his house in my car. A few people honked their horns at me, but that did not faze me at that moment. What mattered was Hanzo and his safety. Stopping the car at his home, I bolted to his door and pulled it open, only to see Hanzo pointing a long sword at his neck.

*Hanzo's perspective*

I can't keep living like this. It's already been nine years since I killed my brother. Nightmares wake me each night, these scars should help me move forward, but it isn't! Why don't you just put yourself out of your misery? Come on... do the deed, join your brother in hell. Part of me wanted to give in to that voice that plagues my thoughts. Pulling the old sword out of the fire, I gritted my teeth and made another slash across my wrist. Tears pricked at my eyes as I muttered a prayer to Genji, hoping that what I did was to honour him right. I don't deserve to live. I'm just a burden. I grabbed my sword, positioning it in front of my jugular. "Brother, forgive me," I mumbled out, tears streaking down my cheeks. It was only then I realised that the door had burst open, and I heard a woman's voice scream at me to stop. My heart stopped.

*Reader's perspective*

"HANZO, STOP!!" I screamed, smacking the sword out of his hands. He blankly stared at me, as if he had woken from a strange dream. I inspected him: ugly lines across his forearm, bags beneath his teary eyes, a shattered man threatening to fall to pieces. "What were you doing??" I frantically asked him. Hanzo darted his eyes across the room, only to bow his head in shame and cry. "I never wanted you to see this," he sobbed, "I-I'm so sorry..." I hushed him softly, rocking him in my arms and stroking his messy black hair. "Let's get you cleaned up," I suggested.

After taking care of the cuts by washing off the blood and bandaging his wrists, he gave me permission to melt the sword that he used to kill his brother. "You've been seeking redemption all this time," I said, tracing my fingers up and down his arm. "You are right. I have been trying so hard," Hanzo replied, "but I did not see something else... that redemption is right in front of me." It only took me a moment to figure out what he said as he pulled me in for a kiss. I was taken aback at first, but I gladly accepted his kiss. "I am here for you, always," I whispered, kissing his tears away. "Thank you, dear (Your name.)"

The End

A/N: I hope you enjoyed that one! Very important reminder: if you see anyone you know in trouble regarding their mental state, always be there for them, no matter what. Love and kindness is what any person should need in those dark times.

Respect yourselves and others around you, cheers! <3

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