Missing Your Face

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A/N: Another from my prompt list where Hanny gives you a Skype call!

Artist credit: Americankimchi on Tumblr, edited by me! (I tried XD)

*first person perspective*

Even though Hanzo's been gone for a day, I miss him so damn much! I groaned, letting the boredom take over. He had to go to a meeting with Winston at Watchpoint: Gibraltar and will be gone for a week. I sighed, not knowing what to do with my time. I occasionally gave out subtle hints for him to do at least one facetime call, but he'll probably be busy with his duties. I miss having his protective arms around me like a castle. I miss seeing his smile, the smile that he would only save for me and no one else. His voice? That voice that's deep and calm and could put you to sleep? I miss that the most. Whispering sweet nothings or just talking in general, to others or to myself.

Out of the kitchen, my computer rang out a cheerful ringing noise. Excitement bubbled in my chest. It was him! I clicked the green phone on my screen and up popped his handsome face. "Helloooo!!~" I greeted, waving madly at the screen. "Greetings, (Your name)," Hanzo responded, "you look a little tired." "What? No, totally not!" I yawned. Hanzo laughed. "Liar," he snickered. "How's the monkey?" I asked. "Don't you mean, 'scientist'?" Hanzo shot back with a whisper, "you are lucky that Winston did not hear you. If he did, he would be pretty angry." "Rah, I'm Winston, and Imma go ape shit on you!" I mocked, impersonating Winston. Hanzo did his best to cover his giggles. "What's so funny?" a voice called from Hanzo's screen. Shit! I hope Winston didn't hear us, I thought to myself. "Nothing, nothing at all, Winston," Hanzo reassured him. The smart gorilla gave me a wave from the lab and got back to work.

Hanzo and I chatted away a little more, saying how our days have been. After a while, a comfortable silence followed. Even though he wasn't in the same room as I am, I feel that those beautiful brown eyes still stare into my heart. "I miss you so much, (Your name)," Hanzo confessed, "I miss you being the source to make me laugh from my heart, your smile... I miss being able to hold your hands in my own." My chest swelled up at his words, my cheeks warming up. "I miss you too, honey," I said, "I should probably let you go. You've got some science-y things to do, don't you?" "Just some research Winston wishes to do on my weapons, and possibly myself. He has also been theorising where my spirit dragons come from..." My eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Let him guess, Hanzo," I replied cheekily, "he'll figure it out." He flashed me a brilliant smile. "I will speak to you later," Hanzo said, "I love you." "I love you too, dear," I uttered, "see ya!" I pressed the red button to turn off the call. In that moment I felt a lot less lonely and that call gave me so many other things to look forward to.

The End!

A/N: That should be all for the day, I'll write up and publish some more stories later on in the week! Trust me, I've got a lot more ideas in my head that I want published on here!

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