Enjoy the Show

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A/N: You thought I stopped for the day, but you were wrong!~ >:) I had an artist draw the picture on top for me, and it prompted me to write a story! I wasn't too familiar with the act of sex work, and I was almost a bit hesitant to write this, but once I did my research, I became more comfortable to write it!

Artist credit: aiden.lydia on Instagram, please follow her, she's such a sweetheart!

*first person perspective*

I peeked out the curtain onto the stage, eyeing him, the person who paid me to dance for him. His name was Hanzo Shimada, wearing a pinstripe suit and his hair styled in a business-like fashion. He looked pretty handsome for an Asian, I wouldn't complain if he got me to do other little things for him. "You know what to do, darling," my manager said, a foxy grin on her face, "the Asian looking guy in the suit, that's your target. Put on a show, and he'll be smitten~" I took a breath and stepped outside into the spotlight.

*Hanzo's perspective*

My breath stopped for a moment, locking my eyes with hers. She smiled at me, almost looking too innocent for her job. The thing was, she wasn't like other women, not the skinny stick-figures that my brother messes about with. She was slightly plump, but not too much, but I could already feel my cheeks heating up by her smile. She looked so soft, she reminded me of flowers in the spring. I knew when I saw her for the first time, I was in for a treat, sweeter than a vanilla sponge cake.

*Reader's perspective*

My fingers wrapped around the cold steel of the dancing pole, the chill of the metal motivating me to begin. I started to dance around the pole, as if I was in my own world. Swaying my hips to the music, I swear I could've seen a ghost of a smile on his lips. A good sign that I was doing my job right. Feeling empowered, I hung upside down on the beam, using my legs as an anchor and laying out my arms to touch his face.

*Hanzo's perspective*

My, she is talented as well as beautiful. I allowed her fingers to gently scratch my facial hair, sending tingles through my body. As she got back on her feet once again, she blew me a kiss. I happily caught her adoration, curling my hand into a fist and nibbling on my knuckle, still watching her. I rummaged around in my pocket, my dancer raising an eyebrow to see what I was up to. We kept our eyes on each other. After grabbing out what I wanted, I used my tongue like a glue and placed a one-hundred-dollar bank note on her navel. "Why, thank you~" she said with her award-winning smile. After the song ended, she got on her knees in a finishing pose. I very much enjoyed the performance she did for me. "Darling, perhaps you won't mind if I became your regular client," I suggested. "I would be honoured if you did," she responded, "I'm glad you enjoyed the show~" Mirroring her smile, I kissed two of my fingers and put them against her lips. "I sure did," I muttered, "I call for an encore soon."

The End!

A/N: The Japanese translation on the sides say "when I met her for the first time"~

I basically call this one a "spicy marshmallow", especially with the picture on top! More will arrive soon, stay awesome! Cheers~

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