Take Care of Yourself

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A/N: Howdy again! This one shot will be a two-part story, this is the first bit!

Credit: From the official Overwatch game by Blizzard

*first person perspective*

I felt a little worried for Hanzo. He's always in the training battlefield, striving to get better and better. He's always gone for a big chunk of the day. This has been going on for a week now. I needed to do something. As the sun started to rise, I blocked Hanzo's way of leaving our dorm. "Why are you in the way?" Hanzo asked. "I..." I began, "I want to come with you. Can I?" "Well, I suppose you can," he responded, "although when I train, I have it on its most difficult setting." "I can just watch you then!" I said. "Very well," Hanzo stated, picking up his bag and opening the door, "come along."

We stepped into the arena. "Welcome back, Hanzo and (Your name)," Athena's voice rang out. Hanzo took the time to set himself up with the simulator controls while I sat down on the bench. He wanted to brush up on his combat skills, since his expertise with a bow is already over the top. Hanzo turned on the simulator without further ado. I kept my eyes on him as he effortlessly punched through the hard light and dodged the attacks. Having the first phase done, he wanted a real challenge. Hanzo set the simulator to have training robots instead of holograms. Sweat started to drip down my face as he trained non-stop for the next half hour. It was only then I noticed red drops spilling from his hands. Blood. Don't people need to bandage their hands before engaging in hand-to-hand combat? Hanzo looked very worn out, yet he continued to fight the robots, turning them into scrap metal. It was almost forced to land blows on his targets and not like the times he doesn't even try.

"Athena, stop the simulator!" I worriedly called out. "Phase 7, shutting down," Athena stated. Hanzo shot his head up to me, a slightly aggravated and confused look on his face. "Why did you do that?? I was doing just fine!" he snapped. "You don't look fine!" I shot back, "your hands are bleeding, you're all out of breath, you look like you're going to pass out. You're just running on fumes!" I held both hands over my mouth, my heart dropping because of what I just screamed out. "I-I'm sorry-" "No, you're right," Hanzo stopped me, "I was being reckless." I paced my way over to him, pulling him to his feet by hooking my hands underneath his arms. With care, I gingerly inspected Hanzo's palms. They had scratches, scabs and blood threatening to pop out of the damaged skin. This had to be taken care of.

I made Hanzo sit down and keep still while I washed off his hands. He winced a little in the process, but he did well in keeping himself under control. I did my best in wrapping the gauze around his hands. I'm not as great as Mercy is with these, but they look pretty decent. "You need to take better care of yourself," I said to him, "I know I sound scolding, but I can't bear to see you like this." "Thank you for looking out for me," Hanzo responded with a smile, "I promise you, I will be more mindful of my actions." I smiled back at him, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

A/N: Part 2 of the training saga comes out soon! Cheers~

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