In the North (Sandor Clegane x reader)

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You had a talent for seeing past what other people saw. You had been doing it all your life. You could always tell when someone was lying and you could tell when someone was hurting. You could tell when the rumors surrounding a person were true and when they weren’t. You just had good instincts and you were a good judge of character. That was why it came as no surprise to you when you fell in love with Sandor Clegane.

You had met the gruff and dangerous man when you lived in King’s Landing. You worked in a tavern close to the Red Keep that he had often frequented. At first, he would just ignore you when you tried talking to him, but soon you wore down his resolve. The two of you had gotten to know one another and a relationship formed. It started out as a physical relationship, simply warming each other’s beds. But it blossomed into far more than that as time went on. It wasn’t meant to last though.

Sandor disappeared the night of the Battle of the Blackwater. Not that you blamed him. You knew of his fear of fire. What you did blame him for was leaving you behind. You were so angry until the day a raven came for you carrying a letter from Sandor. He promised to come back for you when it was safe. You waited and waited, but he never returned. That was when you took it upon yourself to leave. You found yourself with the Dragon Queen which is what lead you to where you were now.

“Are you certain that’s wise, my queen?” you asked. Jon and Tyrion’s plan had merit, but you going along was probably not the best idea. “Yes. I trust you and Jorah above everyone else. Go with him and bring back the proof we need to convince Cersei.” You knew you had no choice but to agree. “Very well. I shall be ready before dawn.”

*time skip*

The journey North was far longer than you anticipated. As you traveled, your mind often found its way to the past without your permission. You knew your time on this earth may well be coming to an end and you couldn’t help but think about those that you missed. Mainly Sandor. Was he alive or dead? If he was alive, was he happy? Married? You had no idea, but you hoped one day you’d find out.

You were greeted by a red-headed Wildling when you entered Eastwatch-by-the-Sea. “Caught a few men trying to sneak past the Wall. Said they were on a mission for some lord or other you southerners worship.” You smiled at his words. You could tell he meant no malice. He was just a playful guy.

You followed him down to the cells where the prisoners were sitting, or laying. You weren’t really paying attention to them until one of them spoke. “Enough talkin’. Are we comin’ with you or not?” Your head snapped up and your eyes met those of Sandor Clegane. “Open the door,” you ordered quietly, not taking your eyes off Sandor.

After a moment, the door opened and you flew inside, throwing yourself into Sandor’s arms. He caught you, a look of surprise painting his features. “What in Seven Hells are you doin’ here, Y/N?” he asked, sharply, “I told you I’d come back for you.” You shrugged. “I got tired of waiting. Besides, I never knew if you were even alive and I had to get out of there.” Sandor sighed heavily and hugged you closer.

That was another thing you loved about Sandor. While he was typically reluctant to show any type of emotion or weakness, he didn’t care what people thought when it came to you. He was happy that you even gave him the time of day. He sure as hell wasn’t about to push you away now. However, the gaping stares of Beric and Thoros were irritating.

He sent a glare in the direction of his travel companions as you pulled away from him. “They’re coming with us,” you said to Jon and the others. Jon simply raised a brow, making you sigh. “Look, those things are dangerous, right? We need all the help we can get. I know these men. Two of them are formidable warriors and Thoros…well Thoros is good company.” Thoros chuckled softly as he, Beric, and Sandor followed you from the cell and you little group began the journey beyond the Wall.

Sandor traveled behind you, Jorah, and Jon. His gaze rarely left your form as he walked with the others. “I never thought I would see the day when Sandor Clegane fell in love.” Sandor looked at Beric out of the corner of his eye. He and Thoros had been mentioning you non-stop since the trek began. “Shut up about it,” he grumbled. 

“Why? I think it is wonderful. It shows you’re not a dog after all. You have a heart, Clegane and it would be a terrible thing to waste,” Thoros interjected. Sandor bit back a groan. Why wouldn’t they go back to harassing the Baratheon bastard and leave him alone? He knew it was a surprise for him to show any type of attachment to anyone. He knew no one ever believed he could have any feelings other than hate for another person. But he did. He loved you.

Sandor quickened his pace so he was walking next to you. You glanced up at him with a soft smile on your face. “I missed you,” you whispered, “I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see you again.” Sandor nodded, adjusting his pack. “I would have come back for you. I promised.” You smiled again. The two of you continued talking, your eyes only occasionally parting to watch where you were walking. Sandor told you about everything that had happened after he left King’s Landing. Neither of you were listening to the people behind you.

“Y/N is good for him,” Beric noted as he watched the two of you talk, “But I never thought Clegane had it in him.” Thoros shrugged before taking another swig from the wineskin he kept with him at all times. “The Lord of Light is also a lord of love, my friend. Clegane does seem happier than I’ve ever seen him.” Both Beric and Thoros fell silent again as they looked over at the two of you.

You were smiling up at Sandor and he looked back at you with so much love in his eyes, only a fool could have missed it. Your lips moved and Thoros could make out the words, “I love you.” He arched a brow, waiting for Sandor’s reply. “Aye. I love you too. And when this is all over, I’m gonna marry you.” Thoros laughed to himself. Oh yes, the Lord of Light had sent them all to the North where death was nearly inevitable. But maybe, just maybe, something good would come of being in the North after all.

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