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You have two messages from: Taehyung

Taehyung: Jungkook? Are u ok?

Taehyung: U keep slurring your words. Did something happen?

BabyBunKook: Nothing. I'm fine.

Taehyung: U know u can tell me. I'm here for u if u need anything.

BabyBunKook: Thank you but I'm fine.

Taehyung: Ok.

BabyBunKook: Also, did you know that the rumor about you is going crazy?

Taehyung: What rumor?

BabyBunKook: They're saying that you almost kidnapped a kid. It's stupid.

Taehyung: Wtf. Why would I want to kidnap a child? 😑

BabyBunKook: I don't know. You should tell them then.

Taehyung: Should I do it now?

BabyBunKook: I don't know. It's your decision to do whatever you want.

Taehyung: Ok bratty child.

BabyBunKook: What do you mean bratty child. I'm just saying its your problem.

Taehyung: Yeah. But ur being sassy about it.

BabyBunKook: No I'm not. I'm just saying it because I don't know about it. It's about you so you should be the one to tell the world.

Taehyung: Well then don't say it so bratty.

BabyBunKook: I'm not being bratty!

Taehyung: YeAh bRAttY cHilD. 😒

BabyBunKook: Shut up. I'm in a bad mood.

Taehyung: Aren't u always?

BabyBunKook: Shut the fuck up.

Taehyung: Geez. I'm sorry.

BabyBunKook: Whatever. I'm just saying it's your fucking problem and you should deal with it. Not me.

Taehyung: Ok. I will. Just stop being angry at me.

BabyBunKook: Then stop calling me a fucking bratty child.

Taehyung: Ok. Calm down. I was just joking anyways.

BabyBunKook: Sorry. Schools just stressing me out, along with home.

Taehyung: I understand. I was angry all the time when I did school too. It was horrible because the teachers were asses. They didn't give shit about the students.

BabyBunKook: Tell me about it. Today I fell on my ankle and hurt it and they just ignored me and yelled at me for sitting down.

Taehyung: Ikr.

BabyBunKook: I wish I could just sleep and never wake up so I wouldn't have to deal with this world.

Taehyung: But u would miss out on life if u did that. Ur still young yet so I wouldn't just give up.

BabyBunKook: Thanks for the advise. I needed that.

Taehyung: Oh. That was advise?

BabyBunKook: Yeah. Everyone just keeps telling me that I'm stressed because of school and they are saying that I'm fine because I smile at school. It's annoying because no one understands me.

Taehyung: Well, I'll try to help as much as I can. I felt what u have gone through. Everyone says its nothing because we are young and we shouldn't be depressed. They think we are lying when we say we are sad because they say they've had harder problems than us because they are older. Adults just never understand.

BabyBunKook: Thank you for saying that. Everyone just says the same thing so it's nice for someone to understand me.

Taehyung: Np.

Taehyung: Anyways I'll go now so I can sort out the problem with the kidnapping shit.

BabyBunKook: Okay. Good luck.

Taehyung: Thanks.

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