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"You told me that, after the game, you went off with Justin. Well, Jessica said that's what happened and you confirmed it. Now Clay says that you said you were home alone." Ani said. I was honestly getting really tired of this girl, like who is she? A detective? I don't have to answer any of her questions.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I went home and I went to bed. You can ask my dad if you don't believe me. He tucked me in." I said.

"So why did you the two of you lie earlier?" Ani asked, and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know why Jessica lied for me. But I lied because I wanted to protect my boyfriend. No way Justin did it, and he didn't have anyone to cover for him, so I did, and like I said, it's none of your business." I said.

"It is, though. Because Clay's my friend and he's in real trouble." Ani said.

"Do not fucking preach at me. You've known Clay for what? Two seconds. Clay is my fucking twin brother. I've known him my entire fucking life. You think I want him in jail? Not too long ago you were on the police's side and thinking that Clay was a fucking suspect, so how about you go take your hypocritical ass somewhere else, because maybe we're all in real trouble." I snapped at her. Ani looked taken back by my outburst, but how dare she try to use Clay as an excuse to be in my business. I care about Clay more than anyone in this fucking school.

"Why would you say that?" She asked.

"Where were you that night, Ani? Since you're so fucking curious about everyone else's whereabouts. Did you go out and meet your little friend Bryce and things went a little wrong?" I snapped at her.

"I was also at home in bed, though no one tucked me in." She said.

"Have you ever been in court?" I asked her.

"No." She said.

"Someone's gonna go down for this. And odds are good they'll take all of us right along with them."


"Do you two have any idea where Clay is?" My mom asked Justin and I the next morning, but we had no idea. When Justin and I got back home last night after I picked him up from work, I was going to spend some time in the Out-House with him and Clay, but Clay wasn't there.

"No I don't. When I came home last night, he wasn't there." Justin said.

"And what time was that?" Dennis asked us.

"Around midnight. When I woke up this morning, his bed was still made." Justin said.

"We tried to call him. . but then we remembered the cops took his phone." I said.

"And he didn't give either of you any indication that he intended to leave?" Dennis asked.

"No warning at all." Justin said, shaking his head, and I nodded in agreement with him.

"He didn't tell us anything." I said.

"Well, can you blame him? The police just kicked down our door, for Christ's sake. He's scared shitless." Dad said, and then my mom looked across the table at me and Justin.

"Justin, Imogen. I know the three of you protect each other, but if there's something you guys aren't telling us. .-" I cut my mom off.

". .-We don't know anything about Clay leaving, Mom. I swear. He clearly didn't want us to know."

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