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"Are you? Concerned about the possibility of self-harm?" My dad asked Dr. Ellman. They put Clay in a psychiatric hospital. Honestly, I'm surprised I'm not in here with him. I had nightmares last night about that drill and ended up sleeping in my parents' room. I'm 18 years old. I haven't slept in my parents' bed with them since I was about 6.

After I got assaulted, I would sleep in their room, but not in their bed, I slept on the floor because it was hard for me to even be in a bed. Even though their bed and my bed weren't the bed I got assaulted in, I couldn't bring myself to get into any bed for a while.

"I think it's not a bad idea that we continue the observation period for a time. From police reports, it does appear that some sort of breakdown took place at the school. The drill was incredibly stressful, and not just for Clay." Dr. Ellman said.

"Stressful? No... if we're going to talk about the drill, call it what it fucking was. It was traumatizing." I snapped. My mom tried to put her arm around me, but I shook my head and moved away. I hate how they're trying to act like this drill was just 'stressful' and 'good preparation.' No, they had us thinking we were going to die.

I noticed that Clay was awake, so I decided to walk into his room and let our parents talk to Dr. Ellman. Justin walked in with me. I hated seeing him strapped down and I know he probably hates that he can't move around. I walked closer to Clay than Justin did and I leaned down and kissed his forehead, tears were brimming my eyes. I didn't like seeing him like this.

"Hey..." Justin said quietly.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"They're gonna keep me here, aren't they?" Clay asked.

"Yeah... we were arguing with them about it," I said to him and Justin nodded his head.

"We were yelling about it a minute ago," Justin said.

"So, I guess... congrats. You are full-on the good son... because Imogen has always been the good child." Clay said. He wasn't facing us and I sighed. This isn't a competition and I hate that he turns it into one. Mom and Dad don't love us more than they love Justin, and they don't love Justin more than they love us. They love all three of us equally.

"Clay... stop being an asshole..." I said.

"Dude, come on... come on, man. I'm sorry... I'm sorry that... that I haven't been there to help you." Justin said and I nodded my head.

"Me too..." I said.

"I'm sorry that shit is so wrong," Justin said.

"I'm not crazy... I'm just scared..." Clay said.

"Clay... we don't think you're crazy..." I said and Justin nodded his head.

"Yeah, man... I am too." Justin said.

"Do you, uh... do you want us to stay with you today?" I asked him. I know we have college interviews today, but I think if I explained the situation, they might understand why I decided to stay with my brother.

"No... I'm kind of... embarrassed." Clay said and then I heard our parents walking in so Justin and I stepped aside so they could talk to him.

"Good morning, sunshine," Dad said.

"Hi..." Mom said with a smile on her face.

"Dad, we talked about 'sunshine.'" Clay said which made me laugh.

"See, classic Clay, he's fine," I said. There were a couple of nicknames that Clay talked to Dad about, and it was quite funny.

"The doctors would feel more comfortable if they kept an eye on you for just a little while longer, okay?" Mom said to him.

Beyond the Reasons || JUSTIN FOLEYWhere stories live. Discover now