Chapter*IZ : 3

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~*~ Cupid's POV ~*~

When I'm already near to them,I landed at the grass.The two of them were just busy with their own phone.

'I won't miss this shot again.'

I grab an arrow and good thing that I wasn't feeling weird with it like the one I've used earlier.I properly focused the bow and arrow at the two of them.When I'm sure that it's really focused at them,I immediately release the arrow.

The arrow dashes towards them and became two arrows,just how it supposed to be.The two arrows went straight towards Yena's heart and Yuri's heart,then it vanished.

'They are hit perfectly.'

I smiled widely when Yena look at Yuri and give Yuri a hug.

"Yuri!I'm the one whose your text buddy!" Yena shouted,then smile while showing her account to Yuri.

"What!?The one that I love in real life was my text buddy!?" Yuri exclaimed,making Yena to gasp.

"You l-love me?" Yena asked,Yuri quickly looks away.

"I-I do,Yena." Yuri shyly admitted,then she starts blushing.

"Don't be so shy.I love you too!I know that it's our first time to meet and greet each other in real life but I want us to get married soon!And have a date everyday!" Yena stated,making Yuri to blush more.

'What a cute couple.'

I just sit near them and was about to listen at them again when I felt my tablet vibrates.When it opens a notification pop at the screen.

"Kwon Eunbi is in danger." I read,making me widen my eyes.

'I got to save her!'

~*~ Doctor's POV ~*~

'I really hate my life!My father and mother still doesn't want to support me even I've done my best to show them that they should appreciate me.'

I continue wiping my tears while looking at the surroundings around the building we owned.

'All they can see are just my mistakes and not the good things I've made.'

Then I decided to step my feet at the edge of the roof top,while my tears keeps on falling even I'm wiping them.

"I'm tired of everything!I'm tired of getting shouted everyday by them!I'm tired for not being appreciated!And for not feeling the love that I deserve!" I shouted.

"I'm tired for feeling like I'm just a unimportant person." I added.

I close my eyes and I jump at the edge of the roof top,the cold breeze of the wind keeps on touching my skin while my body is currently falling.

'Goodbye,cruel wo-'

My thoughts were cut off when I felt someone catches me around using his/her arms,making me to look at the person.

I suddenly blink many times when I've known that she was the blonde girl I've seen earlier and because.. She have a wide white wings.

"A-Are you an a-angel?" that was my question to her,before I lost my consciousness while I'm still at her arms.

Cupid Inlove (KwonChaeng)Where stories live. Discover now