I'm sorry

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Third POV:

There was a little boy, about five years old, playing with his toys in his bedroom. He always had his door closed because he didn't want to hear any of the yelling going on in the house. His older sister, about ten years old, never came out of her room, for the same reason except she started shutting everyone out. The little boys name is Jackson. He was named after his father. The girls name was Noelle.

Jackson wasn't sure why there was always yelling in the house. He was only five years old. He didn't understand why the yelling felt like it never stopped but he knew something was wrong. Very wrong.

In the other room were their parents.
Elsa and Jack Frost.
Jack Frost is the owner of Frost Incorporated. He sold all types of sports equipment and clothes.
Elsa Frost is the owner of Winters Fashions. She sold all types of clothing from fancy to casual to sports etc.

When Elsa and Jack got married they decided to merge their companies together. That way Jack would get the clothing he would need for his Company and Elsa would design them for him. She would get seventy five percent of all the profits that people bought of the sport clothing. Since she was the main reason they had the clothing there in the first place.

They have been married for eleven years and something was just... not working out for them. They've been fighting for a month and a half now.

"I just don't understand why you always have to be out or why you can't spend time with your family anymore!" Elsa exclaimed.

"Maybe it's because our kids favor you more!" Jack yelled.

"If you were home more often and not out with your friends or whatever the fuck you are doing when you're not home, they would want to be with you!!"

"Every time I try to be home everyone always has something to do. You are always at your parents house visiting and the kids are either home, with you, or at a friends house! I try! I really do! I just can't be here anymore!" Jack exclaimed.

"Then leave," Elsa breathes. Jack looked shocked while Elsa continued. "I've tried to make days for you to be home with the kids and be with them. I've tried to do that many times Jack! You just end up having somewhere else to be. I can't tell you how many times the kids faces will light up when they finally get to be with their daddy but then the light be taken away because you couldn't be there!" Elsa yelled.

"It's not my fucking fault I always get surprise meetings with people on the weekends!" Jack said.

"That's when you need to start putting your damn foot down and say "sorry I'll be there on Monday, RESCHEDULE!" It's not that fucking hard Jack. Family time is for the weekend! Family should always come first!" Elsa exclaimed.

"And what about you?" He asked/yelled.

"What about me?" She exclaimed.

"You never get the sports designs in on time. You're late to almost every meeting. Why is that, Elsa?" He asked.

"Because I am always with the kids like you said! I am the only one who takes care of them Jackson!" Elsa exclaimed.

"You know what your problem is?" She asked.


"You have been so into your work that you've forgotten about us! You're forgotten that you have a family that loves you Jack," Elsa exclaimed and at this point her tears started falling.

Usually in the fights that they usually have she would never cry. She just... couldn't take it anymore and had to let her tears fall. Her tears had been building up for a while now. She finally let it go.

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