That One Faithful Day

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Third POV:

Elsa and Jack Frost are married with three kids. Two girls and one boy. In this story we will talk about how they met then to the future with their three rambunctious children.

~10 years ago~

"Hey Elsa! Looking forward to getting coffee with you and Anna later this afternoon! I just have one question."

Elsa had just received a text from Mary, Anna's friend. The three of them were all friends actually. Even if Elsa was about three years older than them. Elsa was nineteen and the other two girls were sixteen.

"What's up Mary?"

Elsa responded. She was wondering what it could be? I mean usually her sister would let her know if anything changed. Is Mary scared of her? Elsa does come off as cold and distant at times but she hoped she didn't come off that way anymore. At least towards Mary.

"I was wondering if it would be okay if my brother joined us?"

Elsa reading that comment, really didn't see anything wrong with it.

"Yeah! That's fine. I have no
problem with that :)"

So, after she sent that she got a quick, "okay yay!" from Mary. She looked at the time and decided that it was time to get going because it was close to the time they were supposed to meet up.

"Anna lets go! Don't want to keep Mary waiting," Elsa said grabbing her purse and phone.

"Why do we always have to be on time?" Anna pouted.

"Because it is courteous to the person or in this case people we are meeting. Wait... why are you still in your pajamas?" Elsa asked. Anna grinned sheepishly at her.

"I don't know what to wear," Anna said.

"You couldn't have told me this before hand?" Elsa exclaimed.

"Well, you were still getting ready and I didn't want to interrupt," Anna said nervously. Elsa sighed.

"You have tons of clothes Anna. What do you mean you don't know what to wear?" Elsa asked.

"I don't know what to choose from," Anna pouted.

"My goodness," Elsa rolled her eyes playfully then walked into Anna's room and chose something simple for her to wear.

She chose blue shorts (not short shorts but not super long either) and a light green cropped top with white high top converse.

"Here," Elsa said.

"This is cute! Thanks Elsa," Anna hugged her sister then ran to the bathroom to change. Elsa just chuckled to herself seeing her sister run off so quickly.

After Anna changed she came back out in the outfit Elsa chose for her.



And with that they were off to Elsa's car and to the coffee shop.

~At the coffee shop~

"So where do you think they are sitting?" Anna asked.

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