Happy Thanksgiving

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Third POV:

"Elsa! Where have the kids gone?" Her husband asked.

"They should be in their rooms Jack," she replied after applying her lipstick.

"Do you think they are ready yet?" Jack asked.

"Why don't you go check on them," Elsa said looking at him through the mirror.

"Why are you being so sassy towards me today?" Jack asked.

"Because I have to be ready by 4:30 and we have to be there by 5:30, so please check on the kids and leave me to finish my makeup," she said.

"You know... you're a real grump when you're five months pregnant," Jack said.

"Hmm... I wonder why or who was the cause of it," she said with a slight smirk. She was joking but sometimes no one can ever tell, with her pregnancy hormones that is.

"Okay, Okay, you can calm down. I'll go check on the kids. You finish your makeup," Jack said with a nervous smile and hands up in the air as if he was being arrested.

After Jack left, Elsa chuckled to herself.

Jack was in Darrell's room. Their son was five years old. He had his dad's hair but his mother's eyes.

"Hey Darrell, are you ready?" Jack asked.

"Yes daddy!" He was wearing blue jeans and a red flannel. "Can I bring a toy?" Darrell asked.

"Sure why not," Jack chuckled then left to go check on Millie. Millie is their two year old daughter who has her mother's hair but father's eyes.

"Millie, are you ready?" He asked.

"Yweah!" She exclaimed and ran to his arms.

Jack chuckled as he picked her up.

"I don't think so. You are still in your pajamas. Let's get you in a cute little dress," Jack said.

After a few minutes of trying to figure out what dress for his to wear, he finally chose one. It was a dark blue dress with white little snowflakes. He also grabbed a white fluffy jacket for her then put white tights and black shoes on her.

"Jack? Are you and the kids ready?" Elsa asked walking into the room. "What on earth is she wearing?"

"A cute dress? What's wrong with it?" Jack asked.

"She's supposed to wear this on Christmas. And that's just too fancy for Thanksgiving, especially for a two year old who will be running around and probably staining her dress," Elsa said.

"Well, how was I supposed to know that?" Jack asked.

"I showed you her dress for Christmas already Jack. Do you not listen to me?" Elsa asked.

"I do I just don't remember ever having this conversation," Jack said.

"Well, we had this conversation Jack... you-," she was cut off by Darrell.

"Please don't fight..."

"We aren't fighting bud. We were just... talking..." Jack said.

"But you guys were looking mean," Darrell said.

"We are fine baby," Elsa said as she walked to kiss his forehead. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," he nodded.

"Good. How about you and daddy go to the car and get it warmed up Okay?" Elsa asked.

"Okay, come on daddy," Darrell said.

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