2. The Plan For A Special Night

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[3rd Pov]

The four friends began walking back to the car after spending some time in the park together. It was something they did occasionally but not very much lately. They did feel glad their spot was okay, some of them liked the flowers that grew under the tree as well. One of them didn't think too much of it.

"I had fun with you Albert." Selozar hugged Alberts arm, staying close to his side. "I had fun with you as well, my Selozar." Albert smiles cheerfully, feeling his precious angel hug him a tiny bit tighter as they walked, with their friends besides them doing the same. "Oh no, I'm gonna throw up." Jake muttered over to Adam, he was slightly laughing from what he heard him say. "Not on me, but I would help you out." Adam told him, both of them exchanging stares at each other. "Of course you would, you're too kind." Jake suddenly stares away into the distance to the park. Which Adam noticed he did it out of nowhere.

"You think so?" He questioned and waited for a response. "I know so." He replied after some seconds of silence between the two. Adam noticed something was odd, there is this strange aura he felt around him, his best friend. "Then thank you, again." Adam still saw him staring off, not until he brought his vision down to the ground. "You're welcome." Jake walked in silence, his expression slightly calmed down from a concern one.

"Is something wrong?" He asked, instead getting himself to feel concern. "Nah, just that I don't know what I'll do when we get home." Jake answers him with no hesitation taken at all. "Jake, we could hang out someday after today or tomorrow if you want to." Adam told him, then a certain somebody dropped in their conversation. "You know I was thinking of something," Albert mentions, "We should have a game night someday with the others."

"Of course after your own fun day or night in your house with Jake." He added in which sent him laughing for a few short seconds. Selozar wasn't a big part of it, he just smiled from some laughter held back. "So funny," Jake sarcastically says as he rolled his eyes. "Yet again, it's not like that!" Adam sighs after he finished saying his sentence. "But that does sound like a good idea."

"Which one?..." Selozar said, sending Adam to feel betrayed. "I don't like any of you two at the moment right now." He only said, giving a tiny bit of a glare at the couples. "No no we're sorry, just hear me out though." Albert says then continues on with his little plan for a game night. "We, us and the others come to my house to spend some time together. There can be board games too."

"Board games? Nobody really plays those anymore these days but still sounds like fun." Adam says but a strange wave hit him. "Wait oh no. I don't want to even think about the millions of different kinds of monopoly games there is." He felt haunted by all of those different kinds of versions, so many. "It doesn't need to be a monopoly." Albert told him, making him feel relief.

"I could be the one to buy some snacks, since I don't have anything important to do like kiss every minute of my life." Jake planned and joked, although what he said in his sentence was true. "When will it be?..." Selozar asked Albert, slightly pressing his cheek against his arm. "It could be in a few days, I'm not sure how many." Albert felt unsure, he wasn't sure on the date they can do a game night. "Maybe a week or so, that could give time for any of us to be free for the game night." Adam shared his thoughts and they all seemed to agree with him.

"I'll text Morgenne later when we get home." Albert says, all four still walking, their footsteps in different patterns. "Sorrow and Uleanra too, r-right?" Selozar questioned the one he loved the most in a quiet voice tone. "Of course they are too angel." Albert ruffled his hair, then let him hug his arm back again. "You are so lovable and adorable." Albert told the smaller male. "I love you too much." He adds in and then the four continue on walking over to the car. It hadn't taken too long getting there.

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