19. Imagine My Thoughts

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[3rd Pov]

It had been very early in the morning, some of them had woken up very confused where they were at and thought it was all just a dream but it wasn't. It was all happening, literal unnatural things happening in their life's. Well for some of them it is new.

There hasn't been a call yet from Morgenne since she basically lead the two others. There was a text sent to Albert a moment later after he woke up saying she is coming soon, she is bringing medical stuff to treat Rust too which was pretty difficult to get her hands on. At least she did get it to help Rust out on his horrifying injuries. Also she mentioned if anybody got hurt she would help them out.

Right now, all Albert did is lay in the bed of the hotel with Selozar next to him sleeping quietly. He didn't want to disturb his slumber, he wanted him to get all the rest and energy he can for the action. He thought how adorable he looked sleeping peacefully after what had happened. His hand would carefully stroke his hair, making sure it didn't bother him and it was the opposite of it. He seemed like he was enjoying his small affection even when he was asleep. The gentle little smile appears on his lips, one that he remembered deeply and admired a lot. There was just this feeling he felt deep in his love for his angel when a smile showed. He just looked so happy, he looked freed and it was truly beautiful to see.

Meanwhile the other two friends were doing their own things though both didn't get too much sleep last night. Nobody really did. Adam felt like closing his eyes for a short moment would make him cause a mistake or miss something important. He wouldn't like that to happen again. As for Jake, he just felt like it was necessary to stay awake and watch out for any of them all. He knew they were dangerous, they cause big trouble, and he wouldn't want his best friend or the others hurt.

As for the other two in the other room, there was not much sleep for them mostly. Rust because he thought it wasn't unnecessary to even shut his eyes for a moment, thinking they're all weak. Alone, he thought it was unnecessary too because for his own reasons. He wanted to keep a look out on his own self, also another reason is he felt uncomfortable sleeping in a room near his old allie.

Anyways, the friends were just in the room they all four shared together in separate beds this time fortunately. "I dislike being next to this, I'm never sleeping over your house." Adam whispered in a low tone to Jake, seeing him nod in agreement but didn't say any words. He still was in silence, he didn't talk too much to anybody and even his best friend. It was morning and of course nobody would feel motivated to talk but usually he would be prepared for anything like this. His voice was ready, his head, and all the rest that is him. He probably felt frustrated it was happening again, that seemed to be it.

"Shut it, he's sleeping." Albert muttered to the two, keeping his arms around Selozars smaller body. He was keeping him close as usual, making sure he felt safe in his arms. The black haired male muttered some couple of words in his slumber, then he turned to the other side putting one arm around Albert. "Mine." Albert says quietly and kisses him on his forehead.

For a couple of more minutes Albert was still sleeping comfortably with Selozar on their bed the two shared. Meanwhile the two best friends spoke to each other starting a small conversation. "When do you think they're coming here?" Adam asked Jake, sitting on his own bed he made. "Five seconds." He muttered in response staring into a wall endlessly, as if he had some sort of gazing contest. "No- nevermind." The blonde male eyes slightly stuck onto Jake, observing every movement he took. Though he mainly focused on his expression and what he was seeing was this emotion. This emotion he couldn't read, there were just many mixed and scattered words he couldn't solve.

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