38. Reticent Despairing Heart

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[3rd Pov]
Morgennes, Sorrow, And Uleanra Residence

Morgenne had seen the sky turn darker from inside her residence shared with the other two. Actually the two were in their beds ready to sleep. She was awake since couldn't shut her eyes or stay down on her bed without shifting. The female had her soft purple hair let down for her slumber, usually she keeps it up in a long ponytail. Rarely anybody saw her with long hair down. She took well care of it, even if it was difficult by its thickness of hair getting stuck in brushes or breaking a hair tie.

Morgeene was in the bathroom with the door closed not using it but rather standing there. She stood tall in front of the medium mirror, trying to tire herself by combing her hair. "Stupid small comb..." She had muttered, her hair much larger to even be used with the item in her hand. Meanwhile combing her hair to become more silky, some thoughts came to her head for the events happening. For the night to sleep, she wore way more comfortable clothes. She wore on a shirt with short sleeves and shorts, the fabric were both a dark grey. Also socks included. Luckily the clothes weren't tight to press down onto her terrible injuries.

Morgenne look down at her body, seeing it has been covered with slashes, brushes and large cuts. Most of the damages were on the torso, some on the face too which of course the nurse patched herself go. Well one of the operatives helped out by the many injuries  since there were too many. It was especially useful when it was one with medical experience.

Looking into the mirrors reflection, she somewhat felt wrong or broken. The girl with most of her face covered in bandages saw herself as a soulless entity roaming the earth with no purpose, constantly beaten to the ground. She couldn't express any type of happiness. The only thing was the feeling of relief, knowing the two are alive and resting in beds. Her vision pulls away from the mirror for a brief moment her own reflection wasn't the only one to appear, she thought she had saw a figure behind her which she turns around but there was nothing. Quickly she brushes it off to her exhaustion from the past days she's living through. After all she feels afraid.

Morgenne reek of a fear, the three zalcuses she has been against with shown their faces in the old house where she had reached out to Uleanra. After the time in the hospital, where she patch Sorrow up and gave her more little gifts. They finally made a return back to ruin it all. During the fight, all of their hits were focusing onto her making the nurse take all of them to protect including for Uleanra. For some reason a tiny feeling was inside her heart, she was not sure what it was but it was reaching out to her. It made her feel a weakness, making her think her sword will drop out of her hand by choice. At the same time it was telling her to end it all and kill the the zalcuses in the most brutal way she can think of. Including Omen for having them brought back.

Morgenne glared at her own reflection, both her eyes having an ominous feeling. Somehow convincing her own self, her body is just nothing but an empty shell full of darkness. She can't even recognize her face no longer, or her entire body and mind. Something was slapped on the back of her mind, she couldn't tell what it was but it made her feel different. Strangely feeling a connection with a few of her friends or even enemies. Which was myths all around her. "What's wrong with me..." She thought her mind, looking down at her hands with bandages. "Am I just that delusional already?" She added in quietly, snapping away from those thoughts and focused back to the world.

Morgenne frown throughout everything, both of her hands back to each side of hers. Her face once again meeting with her reflection. Then suddenly began to look around and to hear if the two are truly asleep in their beds. There wasn't anybody, she desired for the two to not see her. Her eyes focused back over to the front, staying in more silence for a moment. Having a hesitation then finally released herself for a thing she has been wanting to do ever since she looked at the face of the three zalcuses.

"Hey.." Morgenne started first, continuing to speak a more words. "I don't know if this will work.. or you'll even hear me.. but please hear this. Please." Slowly a flame was disappearing away, the fire being put out by water drops. Her eyes closed to be drifted into her mind. "For the sake of Sorrow and Uleanra, and all of the rest of our friends. Please, protect everyone. I am sorry for asking you this. But we never could do anything without you. I can't do this again... I don't wanna lose anybody else. Watch over everyone for our next move, please Rust..."

After finishing with her prayer to the deceased friend dearly missed. The nurse releases a sigh, opening up her eyes covered in tears. "Why did you end up with a bad fate? You didn't deserve this..." Morgenne had thought to herself, "How can someone like you just have a ending? You aren't gonna be there at the end of this... I wish you were here with us all." Thoughts continue to go on, leaving her with a dimming light in the bathroom. "I can't lose any of the two... but I feel weak to do anything."

"Please, someone, help us..." Morgennes last thought said, an innocent voice would been heard if anybody listened. It felt like empty and dark, she can't contact anybody for help, she has nobody. She isn't sure why she was alone, no family to turn for help, she mustn't show her sadness around the others. She couldn't do it, everyone was suffering, it only make it worse at a moment like this. The nurse wasn't sure why she felt weaker, full of hopeless nightmares. She only wish to become much stronger, have a wider wisdom, know better than this.

After a moment of Morgennes tears falling down her face, she wiped her face clean of any sight of sadness preparing to go back into bed. It gotten cold after all, she knew temperature dropped. One thing to make her feel worse is knowing nothing about the building she sleeping in. She couldn't tell anywhere if there is a thermostat or not. The bathroom mirror fogged by her shallow breathes, now having a blurry reflection to stare at. She didn't feel cold at all, she knew it was by seeing her own breathe. The reason why she can't feel it was unknown to her, nothing was in her mind about it or a memory recalled of winter. She wasn't intrigued into it, she only turn away to the door to exit out and call it a night already, hoping the two won't shiver tonight.

After exiting like nothing ever happened, Morgenne went off to bed for tomorrow. Before walking to her bed, she sees the other two sleeping and recovering their injuries. She worried for the two, deeply worry so much. She couldn't let them go fight or make any move, they lost a friend and she knew their heads are full of grief. It's their fight to win, she knew running away isn't right or hiding forever. She deeply hope for her prayer to be heard, they need help but who is there to answer anymore.

Quietly the female went to her bed, covering herself with the blanket and slowly with last finale thoughts went to sleep in this temporary place.

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