Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Aftermath

The next morning, the students were getting up one by one, though later than usual but getting up none of the less.
"Good morning Kate." Azu said as Kate sat down next to her. Kate yawned a good morning back. "Looks like someone is sleepy." Azu drank some milk. "It was a long night. How are you not tired?" Kate questioned. "I actually don't know. What I do know, though, is that we all came back and headed straight to bed. What did you do?" Azu tilted her head. "Nothing." Kate drooped her ears sideways as she put her head down.
Another girl from the class came and asked, "You're sure it's nothing? 'Cause I think you mean Bakugou!" "Oh no." Kate and Azu said in unison. Soon the two were both surrounded by most of the class when they saw an opening. "Oh look! There's Bakugou!" Azu yelled in an acting matter. As everyone gasped and turned around, Azu grabbed Kate and they ran.
Bakugou came out of his room and was surrounded by everyone in the dorms asking him about him and Kate. "Is it true that you and Kate kissed?" "What happened?" "Is it official?" "You guys went without me?" Bakugou ignored this until he heard a certain mumbler. Bakugou grabbed Midoryia and pinned him to the wall. "You know the truth don't you?" He yelled at him. "I-I don't know what you're talking about!" The green haired boy answered. "You know alright, meet us at lunch." Bakugou said and walked away.
When Cooper took one step outside the dorms, he was swarmed by students who asked about the date. "Was it a double date?" "I thought I was your friend!" "Are you and Azu dating too?" "How long have you known that Bakugou and Kate were dating?"

 "Was it a double date?" "I thought I was your friend!" "Are you and Azu dating too?" "How long have you known that Bakugou and Kate were dating?"

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Azu and Kate met up with Bakugou while running and ended up running together until they spot Cooper. "Hey!" Kate yelled out. Everyone in the huddle, including Cooper, looked in her direction and stood there until someone yelled out, "So it's you and Cooper?"

Cooper took this chance to run out and meet up with the others. Kate had ended up being defended by Bakugou who was defended by Azu who was defended by Cooper. This cycle kept going until they reached the school building and was helped out by the staff members.
"This is why I wish things stayed the way they did in middle when it was just us three and Kate was just heartbroken by Bak-" Cooper started as Azu was swinging her hands crazily. "-ugo." Cooper finished realizing his mistake. Azu facepalmed. "What's he talking about?" Bakugou looked at Kate. "You don't remember?" Kate said, hurt in her eyes. "No." He answered. "Well..." Kate started.

Words: 464

Happy Halloween 2019!

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