Chapter 18

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Chapter 18: Confession

 It was the day before Valentine's day and pretty much everyone was nervous. The only ones who weren't nervous were Azu, Cooper, and two other boys walking in the hall. "Kate I don't get it, you're not dating anyone, why are you nervous?" Azu asked. "How are you guys NOT? Tomorrow is the day people are going to confess to someone else or something like that!" Kate exclaimed.

 "How are you guys NOT? Tomorrow is the day people are going to confess to someone else or something like that!" Kate exclaimed

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Cooper and Azu just looked at each other before looking back at Kate. "Maybe if you confess to Bakugou you wouldn't be like this." Cooper said bluntly. "No are you crazy? He'll hate me more than he already does!" Kate panicked. "What if he's just hiding his feeling for you and has fallen in love with you since he first saw you!" Azu said cheerfully. "Life isn't a fanfiction Azu." Cooper commented. "Who knows." She replied. "You guys have been trying to make me confess all month, why?" Kate, blushing slightly from embarrassment. "We just want you to be happy!" Azu said. "Fine! But if I get rejected, you guys are buying me 5 strawberry milks from vending machines." Kate groaned. "And if your feelings are accepted, or you chicken out, you pay for Azu and I's lunch the net day." Cooper said. "Deal." Kate and Cooper shook hands. "No takebacks?" Azu asked. "No takebacks." Kate said.
 The next day it was finally Valentine's day. Everyone brought in chocolates, bouquets, and all sorts of things. When the three met up, Cooper stared at the two girls as they both held items. Kate was holding a letter, and Azu holding a basket full of yellow roses. Azu smiled, handing Cooper a rose, and placed one in Kate's ear."How did you get in with that?" Cooper asked Azu, pointing to the basket of roses. She shugged. "I just walked in." She answered. "Ok... But what are you gonna do with them?" He asked. "I'm giving them out cause not everyone has a valentine, unlike someone here." Turning to Kate, Azu continued, "So when are you gonna ask him?" "I don't know... I don't even think I'm ready!" Kate ranted, almost bumping into someone. While Kate went on, Azu kept giving out flowers and Cooper made sure Kate didn't hit anyone. "Just confess at lunch." Azu said, putting one of her own flowers in her hair. There was silence of hesitation until Kate replied, "Fine."
 At lunch the three met and sat down. It was an uncomfortable silence between the three while the rest of the room was loud with people clapping to other relationships blooming and general lunch conversations. A new couple passed by the three while saying, "Did you hear that someone is planning to confess to Bakugou Katsuki?" "What? No way they'll pull it off, that guy has no soul!" That's when Kate broke, "I can't do it! I'll be humiliated for life! Tossed out of society! Probably die in one of his explosions!" "So what I'm hearing is... We don't have to pay for lunch tomorrow?" Azu asked, knowing Kate wasn't going to go down without a fight. "No way!" Kate yells. "But if you don't confess, we win." Cooper added. Kate got up, grabbed her letter and said, "Watch me." Before walking off to find Bakugou. After a minute, the two saw that she was actually going to do it so they followed her from a distance.
 Kate found him finishing up bullying Midoryia. She hid behind a pillar and gave herself a peptalk while Bakugou was threatening two boys, "Ok Kate, you got this. All you have to do is give him the letter and confess! You can do it or you're name isn't Kate Falcon!" She then turned the corner and bumped into him. Bakugou Katsuki. He stared at her, menacingly. She told a step back before he pushed her out of the way. "Move extra, I ain't got time for you." He said, walking away. This was her opportunity, and she was going to let it go. She straighten up and said, "Actually, I was... looking for you!" Bakugou turned around. "Huh?" "I... I wanted to give this to you," She bended down and held her hands to give him the letter. "I, um... I... I've liked you since the day I saw you. You never let anyone look down on you, you're strong, independent, and ready to stand up for yourself. Everyone thinks you're hurtful, mean, and a big jerk, but I believe that inside, you're probably actually nice, caring, and overall an amazing person. I hope you accept my feelings and maybe... we can hang out sometime?" Kate kept looking down, trying hard not to make her shaking noticable. She felt Bakugou's hand take her letter. She put her hands on her side and stood straight, still looking down. What happened next hurt more than ever.
Still looking down she heard something, she heard an explosion. She look up. There was the guy she's had a crush on, blowing up her letter, with a face of no emotion. It was quiet. "You really think someone like me would love you?" Was that was said for Kate to know.
Trying her best not to cry in front of him, she took the remains out Bakugou's hand, and left as quickly as possible. She bumped into Azu and Cooper, Azu about to hug her. Kate gave her back the rose, "Life really isn't Fanfiction Azu," and left. "Wait Kate!" But to no reply. Cooper and Azu stood there alone, with their friend's rose in their hand.

Words: 933

So... that happened. I will not update a chapter next week. One, because it's Thanksgiving break, and two, I have something I'll be working on all week that's really important to me. I will be doing a QnA, replying to random comments, and just talking about the characters in general.

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