Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: Development Center

  "Kate!" Azu exclaimed, almost tackling the taller friend. "Azu? Are you ok? Why are you so... giggly?" Kate asked trying to catch herself from falling. "I only had a total of two days worth of sleep!" She yelled out, not yet grasped onto reality. "Two days?! It's a two week break!" Kate held her smaller friend by the shoulders to stop her from jumping. "I know! I got recommended to watch a show and it was three seasons and it got really interesting so I couldn't stop myself from pulling five all-nighters!" "You really need to calm down, maybe put that energy into making a hero suit? I'll take you to the delevopment studio." Kate grabbed Azu and tried to get her to the development studio. Emphasis on tried, as everytime the duo passed a student, Azu would try her best to hug them, most of the time succeeding. It was a hassle but they made it to the development center.
  "I need something to restrain my friend while she comes up with a joke!" Kate exclaimed. "Kate I'm fine!" Azu said while knocking down a wrench from a table. While Kate tried to keep Azu away from destroying everything, Cooper came in. Azu yelled out, "Cooper!" "Oh no." Cooper answered. "Help me? She pretty hasn't gotten any sleep all break." Kate said picking up a hammer. "It shows... I thought I would never have to see this side." Cooper murmurs. "Hey Azu, why don't we take you to draw your hero suit?" Kate said, grabbing Azu and taking her to a corner of the room. "Yay!" Azu sat down and started to draw out her hero suit.
"So what are you doing here? In your hero suit?" Kate asked, noticing Cooper adjust his gloves. "Just a few adjustments." "I see." "You?" "With her condition, she wouldn't have made it." Kate laughed. "So?" Cooper asked. "What?" "Did you open Bakugou's gift?" Cooper questioned, being a bit more specific. "Oh! No, not yet. I'm kinda nervous." Kate answered and looked down. "What do you mean you're nervous? It's a Christmas present." Cooper took off his gloves. "I don't know, I guess I feel bad? We're not really dating and I guess it feels like a joke." Kate questioned, fiddling with her tail. "Kate..." Cooper started, before being interrupted with Azu coming up to them. "Look! Look at my suit!" She exclaimed.

 "Look! Look at my suit!" She exclaimed

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  "In all black?" Cooper asked. "Yeah? Why, is something wrong?" Azu's ear flopped. "Um... Azu, don't You think you'll get really hot in the summer?" Kate carefully asked. "Oh that's right! I wrote that the suit should be able to keep me cool or warm depending on the season," Azu continued, "and I made sure to have a belt to make sure I can hold supplies like a smoke bomb, water, dagger, bandages, etcetera." "Good job then Azu!" Kate said. "Yay!" Azu walked away to talk to the support crew about her suit. "We'll I'm just glad she finally got that sorted." Cooper said. "Yeah. Well see you!" Kate started walking away. "Wait what?" "I brought her here, you're gonna take her back!" Kate yelled walking through the door. "Wait you always take care of her!" "Lemonade, Canned bread, and home by 5!" Kate yelled back as she turned the corner. "Oh no..." Cooper muttered, knowing that it's going to be a hassle just trying to get Azu out of the development center.

Words: 576

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