Chapter 28

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Chapter 28: Recovery

  It was almost fully dark now, and almost past cerfew, but Kate didn't care. She knew that she'd get eaten out by the teachers, but it wouldn't hurt as much as what had happened. A single question kept coming up in her head, why? It was the day before Valentine's day so why now? What even was his reasoning? He say anything about why it was over. Kate continued walking around, as she figured it would help clear her head.

  She didn't know what time it was but stores started to close, and she figured to just go back. Although clearing her head was a failure, she at least had stopped crying for the day. She kept her head down, knowing people would ask questions about her red puffy eyes if she made eye contact with them. She reached a crosswalk.
  She looked at the sky, seeing how pretty it was. How could it look so beautiful on a night like this? She had zoned out that people started to get worried and tried to snap her out of it. When she did snap back to reality, she quickly said sorry and ran. She ended up in an alley way, far enough in that no one would look for her but out enough to not get hurt from whatever is inside. She grabbed her phone, and noticed different notifications from her friends. Each one getting more and more worried about her safety and where she possibly could be. She didn't answer any of them, and instead put her phone away. She noticed she started crying again and just accepted it. She couldn't hear anything over the crying she was doing and she hoped no one would bother her. She didn't even noticed the steps approaching her.
  Kate woke up, not knowing where she was or remembering anything last night. As she sat up she realized she was on a bed, and when she looked around, she noticed she was in a hospital room. She barely had time to think when the TV in the room started playing the local news. The volume wasn't loud enough for her to hear but she read the headline. "U.A. student attacked last night, attacker in prison for questioning." She mumbled to herself. Just when she finished she heard people talking outside, and the the door opened.

  "Kate," Azu yelled, holding the doorknob as if she would fall, "Oh my gosh you're okay!" She quickly ran and hugged her taller friend tightly

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  "Kate," Azu yelled, holding the doorknob as if she would fall, "Oh my gosh you're okay!" She quickly ran and hugged her taller friend tightly. "Azu calm down! You heard what the doctor said." Cooper said trying to make sure Azu didn't kill their poor friend. "Right, I'm sorry Kate, how are you feeling?" Azu said, backing up. "I don't know?" Kate answered, though it turned to a question. "What do you mean, 'I don't know'," Cooper started, "Don't you remember last night?" "No, I mean last thing I remember was running into an alleyway and crying." Kate answered. "Some goop creature attacked you, and tried to take over your body, and you almost died! Luckily the heros got there in time and you only ended up passing out." Azu explained, grabbing Kate's tail and holding it up. "It looks like you took a beating." Cooper said concerned. "Yeah, where's K- Bakugou?" Kate  looked at the two. The two exchanged glances before Azu answered, "He didn't want to come. He said something like it was probably best if he didn't. Plus he had his lessons to go to." "Oh, yeah, I forgot ab-" Kate was cut off by herself coughing harshly. Just then a doctor walked in, "I see you have woke up. How do you feel?" "I feel okay, but I have no idea what happened." Kate rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. "Well I would like to run a few tests to make sure you're alright. You did take quite a beating," The doctor grabbed the chart at the edge of the bed, "If your friends could leave." Oh right, well we'll catch you up later." Cooper said grabbing the smaller girl's hand. "Happy Valentine's Day!" Azu waved before they left. "I know this might sound weird but are they a thing?" The doctor asked clamly. "No sadly." Kate chuckled. "You seem to be happy, now let's get started."

Words: 716

Words: 716

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