Chapter 33 - Red, Red Wine

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"How many people are we cooking for?" He laughed rushing to help me with the cookery and utensils.

"I wasn't sure what you did or didn't have okay, at least I remembered the wine!" I looked up from placing my things on his kitchen counter, he was already waiting with a glass in hand.

"Got you covered, Parks." He handed me the glass and pushed a bowl of ice blocks towards me, he really did know me well.

"Thanks, Danny. You care to help me get started after you're done filling my phone with selfies?" I pushed him into the kitchen and put him to work.

It actually ended up being really fun, we giggled and sang on the top of our lungs while finishing a bottle and a half of red wine. Daniel wasn't much use when it came to actually making the food. He would just dawdle around from one appliance to another picking up things and placing them on the other side of the kitchen. I slapped him upside the head a couple times for stealing the utensil I was using in the pots. I caught him staring at me a few times, but shook it off, being in such close proximity to him was making me cautiously anxious enough.

The sun began to set as we finished our meal on his balcony, it was a beautiful night. We could see the sun's reflection off the yachts in the dock. As Dan loaded the dishwasher I couldn't help being taken back to my date with Charlie, I smiled remembering the way I felt with him, but it didn't and couldn't compare to the way I always feel with Daniel.

"More wine? Or should we be two responsible adults and switch to water?" While filling my glass anyway. I shook my head. "I don't know why I even bother to ask." He added while winking at me.

I took a big sip of wine, realising that now that the meal part of our night was over there was just the 'do nothing together' part... Needless to say, I'm freaking out!

"So, what have you been up to this holiday? Make any new friends?" He asked with a knowing tone that made me take another sip of wine. Did someone tell him about Charlie?

"Uh no not really, I uh-"

"Who's 'Your Pilot'? And why is he talking about your lips?" he asked frowning at my phone.

OH SHIT! Really Charlie, really? You've had days to contact me and you choose this exact moment to mention kissing me. World take me now! 

"Uh... that's Charlie and don't worry about it," I tried diffusing the situation, but Daniel wasn't having any of it. Instead, he tried prying the phone from my hands to read the conversation.

"Seriously Daniel, I said don't worry about it. Just drop it okay!" My tone was harsher than I meant it to be but he wasn't listening to me, besides I don't owe him any explanations.

"Woah, calm down I was just kidding with you no need to go all bitch mode with me." He pulled his hands back abruptly in surrender, I could see this wasn't over though. "So Charlie, as in our private jet pilot?"

"Yeah, Nico sent him to fetch me in Nice."

"Ah yeah, decent guy! We've hung out a few times when his schedule allows it." he continued

"Yeah he is." I gave him a tight-lipped smile and turned my phone off. Can't have any more surprise messages coming through.

"You really not going to tell me anything more?" he probed again.

"There's nothing more to tell, please drop it," I begged, not wanting to start World War 3 again. I hate fighting with Daniel.

"Okay.." his tongue poked the inside of his cheek and he looked out over the balcony railing. "Gorgeous sunset, huh?" 

Great silence again

"It really is." We stared into each other's eyes for what seemed like an eternity. So many unsaid things between us. I gave him a small smile before looking away, there was only so long before those hazel orbs compelled me to spill my soul out before him.

"I've really missed you, Lex, it's so easy to get caught up in life's everyday tasks, but the minute things slow down it's hard to admit how much some people mean to you." He looked away again, almost unable to look at me when he said it.

"I don't know what to say," shrugging my shoulders awkwardly, "you know I miss you too?"

He nodded, still looking away. "So what do you want to watch? I saw there are some new movies online."

What was I supposed to say? It's not like he was about to pour his heart out to me and profess the love he clearly doesn't feel for me, I'm trying to keep my heart guarded this time and if that means pushing him away or keeping him at a distance then I have to do it.

We chose some ridiculous horror movie after watching a few episodes of That 70s Show.

"So I have to ask," he started "You and Charlie..." he wiggled his eyebrows, trying to make light of the situation.

"Oh geez, okay hit me, what is it?"

"I'll drop it after this, I promise, I just.."

"Just ask me, idiot, why acting so weird?" secretly loving the way he was squirming in his seat. I have no reason to lie to Dan, I just didn't necessarily want him to know so soon.


"I'm sorry, what? Could you repeat that at a rate us mere humans can comprehend please." I replied giggling

"Ah fuck... Did you kiss him or something?" he asked while letting out a huge breath.

I filled my glass took a sip and then filled his with the last bit of our 3rd bottle.

"If you must know, we went on a date when he was here and yeah, we kissed." Feeling the effect of the wine in my cheeks... I'd go into detail about all the reasons, but I'm sure you can use your imagination.

I handed him his glass which was now borderline overflowing in comparison to my practically empty one. He took a sip and got up from the couch, disappearing into his passage. 

My heart was racing. What the fuck have you done Alexia!? Is he about to kick me out of his apartment or punch a couple of walls. Have I ruined everything?

He returned after a few minutes with a bunched up blanket underarm and another bottle of wine.

"Lex? What's up, what's happened?" he looked confused

"What? What do you mean I should be asking you that, you just dissap- peared!" a sob bubbled it's way through my vocal cords and I realized I was about to burst.

Inhale 1,2,3,4..

Exhale 1,2,3,4...

BOOM! Gotcha biatch. No tears.

"Looked like you were cold and low on wine.. Was just trying to be a good host." He spread the blanket over me and tucked me in causing me to giggle.

"Sorry I'm such a girl, Danny."

"Sorry I'm such a boy Lexi." He kissed my forehead and settled in next to me, under the blanket. 

"Are you seeing him again?"

"I don't think so, it just wouldn't work, our lives are too busy." I lowered my head onto his shoulder, not giving Charlie another thought. 

He didn't bring it up again either, as promised.

Somewhere between being in stitches about their choice of costume design and terrified of the gruesome masks, I drifted off to sleep. 

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