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After getting ready for the day, Jungkook and I left out to town to get some supplies for the boat trip. I don't know why Jungkook wants supplies for a simple outing, but I decide not to question it.

We walk into the general store, which is right next to the deceivingly small looking grocery store.

"The general store? What do you need from there?" I ask Jungkook as we walk through the door. He glances at me briefly before leading me in.

"I'm looking for a camera," he tells me.

"A camera? I thought you packed one."

"Yeah, a small digital one. I want a polaroid camera," he says, smiling as he casually walks through the store, his hands in his pocket. He's walking like he is the hottest person here, which he probably is, but there's a certain point when confidence begins to look like arrogance.

"You look awfully smug. Why? As far as I'm concerned, looking for a polaroid camera isn't particularly cool," I chuckle.

"I'm not feeling good because of my search for a camera, I'm feeling good about today," he explains.

"Why? Is today special?"

"Not yet," he answers, seemingly not willing to elaborate further. "Aha," Jungkook exclaims as he quickens his pace. He bends down, picking up a small camera.

"...That's what you were looking for? I thought you were looking for some aesthetically pleasing tumbler polaroid, but this-" I gesture at the banged-up camera, "this looks like it was found on the side of the street."

"I don't need it to be pretty, I need it to work. Maybe if you, little missy, were less judgmental, you'd have nicer things," he taps me on the top of the head with the camera.

"Nicer things, huh?"

"Yeah, it may not be pretty, but it can create some beautiful pictures... maybe... probably," he says, trailing off at the end as he questions whether or not it'll be as amazing as he's making it sound. "I've never actually used it, so I don't know. It could create the ugliest polaroids."

"Ugly polaroids can still be nice memories," I reason, now having to be the positive one.

"Exactly," he grins as he places the camera on the counter. No one is there, so we wait awkwardly for a moment. The whole store is almost empty; only a few people are browsing through the aisles. After a moment, a middle-aged woman walks out from the back.

"Oh-" she looks surprised to see us, "Oh! Customers! Sorry, it's been a slow morning."

"Don't worry about it," Jungkook says, leaning against the counter. The woman rings him up, glancing at me from the corner of her eye. After looking at me for the fifth time, she turns to me, a sheepish smile on her face.

"I'm sorry for acting so weird, it's just that I've never seen a rabbit hybrid," she says, smiling at me with a sorry look in her eyes.

"Ah, yes. I've heard that there are mostly dog and cat hybrids here," I reply, trying to shake off the awkward feeling.

"There are only dog and cat hybrids. Well, multiple dogs, two cats," she corrects. "I've lived here for most of my life, so I've never seen a bunny hybrid before. I saw a lion hybrid once, though. Boy did that kid have thick hair."

Jungkook taps his foot impatiently.

"I can see that your-" she waves her hands around, not sure what to call him, "companion is getting impatient. I'll let you go. Do feel free to come back whenever. I'd love for you to meet my hybrid. I think you'll get along with her." She hands Jungkook the camera before printing the receipt.

Jungkook takes the receipt, stuffing the camera into his jacket pocket. "Great, yes, thank you. Bye!" Jungkook rushes, pulling me out of the door. The chilly air sends chills throughout my body as we walk outside.

"Wow, that wasn't rude at all," I state sarcastically. Jungkook shrugs.

"I just wanted to get out before she began blabbing about her children. After that, she beings out some crumbly dry cookies. You can't refuse them, so you need to eat the dry cookies, begging for even a drop of water," he says, shivering. "They suck all of the moisture out of you."

"It seems like you have some unresolved trauma to do with dry cookies," I snort.

"You'll never know how horrible her baking was when she was in her 30s," he whines. Suddenly, he stops. "Oh, you go ahead. I've got one more stop that I've got to make," Jungkook says, gently pushing me ahead.

"Okay..." I mumble, taking cautious steps forward. Jungkook just smiles at me, turning around and walking back towards the general store and grocery store. I pay his odd behavior little mind, turning towards the path leading to his house. 

(AN: I'm setting something up~ Sorry about the short chapter. I'm going to have a more plot heavy chapter posted tomorrow.)

(I'm also going to stop showing the word count.)

STRAY // JJK x HYBRID (bunny)✔️ Re-WritingWhere stories live. Discover now