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Sunlight shines on my face as I begin to stir awake. Rage bubbles up in me as I shield my face from the god-forsaken sun. Outside my room, I can hear movement as quiet talking. I flip off the sun one last time before turning towards the door, trying to listen in.

"Can't we just wake her?" someone asks rather loudly.

"No, and be quiet. If you wake her, she will fight you," I hear Jungkook whisper-shout.

"Just like Yoongi..." the first person says with a sigh.

Suddenly, a third person speaks up. "I'd be surprised if she hasn't woken up already from all the noise you've been making, Hoseok."

It hits me. Jungkook invited Taehyung and Hoseok to hang lights. I wonder if Taehyung brought back the ones he stole.

I get up slowly, groaning as I do so. "Fuckin' bastard-" I curse as a beam of sunlight blinds me.

"She's awake!" Hoseok cheers from the other room.

I climb out of bed and comb through my long tangled hair with my fingers, wincing every time they get caught in a tangle. I walk over to the closet across from my bed and take out a large knitted sweater Jungkook picked out for me when we went shopping for the first and only time. It almost swallows me because of how oversized it is. It reaches down to my knees. I grab a change of clothes as I rummage through the closet. Now that I am somewhat presentable, I walk out of the room.

In the living room, I see Taehyung and Hoseok, who is bouncing excitedly in his seat. Across from them, in the open kitchen, stands Jungkook. He's lazily throwing together a few sandwiches and mugs of what smells like hot chocolate. His hair is still messy from sleep.

"Did we wake you?" Hoseok asks. I shake my head as I let out a monstrous yawn.

"No, the glaring ball of hate did," I say with a snarl.

"Not a fan of the sun, huh," Taehyung mumbles. I walk past them and into the bathroom to do my morning routine, despite it being almost two in the day.

After a quick shower and whatever else one does in a bathroom in the morning, I step out. As I enter the living room, Hoseok jumps up from the couch.

"Finally! Now we can start! Tae and I are here to make your sad, sad house nice and Christmasy!" he cheers as he skips over to me, taking me by the arm and dragging me to the couch. He sits me down before rushing to the kitchen and back. He hands me a half-made sandwich, demanding I eat it. "Eat, eat, eat. The sooner you eat, the sooner we can start."

Suddenly, he is tugged away by someone.

"Let her eat in peace. We're not in a hurry," Jungkook scolds him. He places a few mugs on the table, each filled with hot chocolate.

"Excuse me, Jungkook," I begin. Now that Hoseok has been distracted by hot chocolate, Jungkook looks to me.


"I demand marshmallows."

Jungkook chuckles heartily before making his way back into the kitchen. He returns with a bag of small marshmallows. He places a good amount into my hot chocolate before offering the bag to Taehyung and Hoseok, both of whom add an excessive amount into their cups.

I begin to eat the sandwich Jungkook prepared as he sits down in the armchair.

"Once you're done eating, we can begin to hang the lights," he says as he sips his hot chocolate.

"How many lights are there?" I ask.

"Well, there would be more if someone," Jungkook pauses to shoot a sharp glare at Taehyung, "had brought all of the lights he's stolen."

Taehyung shifts in his seat, a guilty yet carefree smile on his face.

"Consider the missing lights as a donation to me," he says, but I'm unsure whether or not he's joking. Jungkook purses his lips in annoyance, his glare unmoving. Taehyung just keeps grinning, his boxy smile undeterred by Jungkook's glowers.

I finish off my breakfast before standing up and clapping my hands once. "Let's get started!"

Taehyung and Hoseok jump up and rush to a large cardboard box I assumed they dragged in. Hoseok makes a strange gesture with his hands as Taehyung opens the box. Inside there is a large and probably tangled pile of fairy lights and Christmas lights. Mixed in with the lights I can see a few strands of tinsel and other basic Christmas decorations.

"Let's start by untangling them..." I say as Jungkook chuckles in disbelief.

Jungkook walks over to them, crouching down next to the box. "How the hell did you manage this?" he asks as he lifts a single light, a huge entanglement following in suit. Jungkook lifts it more to e whole box is in two large tangles.

"Pfft-" Hoseok holds in his laughter for a few seconds before he begins to cackle.

"How about we split into teams of two. The first team to untangle their lights wins," Taehyung suggests.

I tilt my head before asking: "Wins what?"

Taehyung squints at me judgingly. "Pride! Bragging rights!"

I shake my head.

"Fine. The losing team will buy dinner," he suggests, to which I nod.

"Game on. I'll be with Jun-" I begin.

"Dibs Jungkook!" Taehyung announces, interrupting me. I stare at him in disbelief.

"You little sh-"

"Not in front of the baby," Taehyung playfully scolds as he covers Jungkook's ears with his hands. I can't help but laugh at Jungkook's beet-red face. He pushes Taehyung's hands off his ears.

"Well, I guess it's hybrids versus humans," Hoseok says as he casually rests his arm on my shoulders.

Jungkook smiles competitively as he places a bundle of tangled lights in front of me and Hoseok.

"Game on." 

(AN: It's light-hearted Christmas time! I'll post something fun on Christmas Day.) 

STRAY // JJK x HYBRID (bunny)✔️ Re-WritingWhere stories live. Discover now