Chapter 4 : One Of Us

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Nashi's POV.

After about 20 minutes we were still standing and panting. I couldn't feel my right arm. I took all my strength and hit him one last time making his back hit the floor with me on top of him. We both were blushing like crazy as we panted. We could feel each other's breath. He smiled and smirked at me at the same time.

"I lost."

He said. I started to laugh as I laid on the floor next to him.

"Hahaha, yeah."

I stopped laughing as I smirked on him.

"Let's fight again Ice-princess."

"Damn you, hot head. I'll look forward to it."

He smirked as well. We stood up and shook hands.

"Then I'll take my leave now. Thank you for taking care of me."

I said as I let go of his hand, as I walked out with my stuff that Sylvia has brought in while we were fighting.

My long pink hair was messy behind my back so I tried to brush it a little with my fingers to make it look not as messy. When I was done, I walked down the stairs and headed to the door. As I opened it I saw a young male with similar features as Sylvia, except he had short light blue hair and he was a male. Beside him there was a girl about his height. She had yellow hair and beautiful blue eyes. Their surprised look was locked down on me as they saw me. The two taller teenager looked at each other then back at me.

"Um, could you please let me go outside, and leave?"

I asked nervously.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry."

They walked out of the way and let me leave. I was sure they were looking at my way as I walked away. I didn't care. I kept on walking on the streets of Magnolia. After hours of wondering around I finally found the train station , and bought a ticked back to my hometown. I got up on the train, then it started moving. I got my sickness pretty quickly on it. I managed to fall asleep. Hours later, I woke up to a loud female voice saying something about arriving somewhere. I took my bags as I realized I arrived back to my hometown. I got off of the train quickly. I smiled as I looked around. It looked peaceful and calm. I made my way to the park that was close to the train station. I sat down on a bench as I tried to relax. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder from behind me as I heard the person panting heavily. I opened my eyes and looked at the person. To my surprise it was Sylvia.

"Gosh, are you okay? Why are you here?"

She looked at me as she smiled a little.

"Would you like to become one of us?"

To that my eyes got wide. I stood up from my seat dropping my stuff to the ground from my lap.

"N-No, thanks. I'm fine. I'll go back to my home after this."

I said putting on a fake smile.

'Damn, what the hell? I really want to go, but I have to apologize to my parents. Darn it!'

I nervously tried to smile.

"I'll take my leave now."

I said as I started walking away. She grabbed my wrist. Her warm hands were grabbing my hand tightly. I looked back at her.

"Please..I'd really like to learn more about you. I want to be your friend."

My eyes got wide as I heard her words. I let out a sigh as I smiled at her.


She smiled at me brightly as she heard me,then she hugged me. I hugged her back. We went back to the train station and brought a ticket back. We got up on the train, then when it started moving I became sick, but to my surprise Sylvia did too. We managed to survive those hours, and when we arrived back we were the first one to leave the train. We walked back to the same building again. She opened the door and greeted the others happily, while I walked inside behind her nervously. I could hear gasps. I looked up as I saw a bunch of teens on the sofa. I saw two beautiful female on one sofa and three males on another one. They were looking at me in shock. I smiled a little as I waved nervously. One gorgeous girl with scarlet red hair stood up and walked up to me with a smile.

"Hi. How are you? I heard you've been doing just fine."

"Hi, I'm fine thanks. Oh did I ever introduce myself?"

I asked a little nervous.

"Hmm.. No. What's your name?"

Sylvia asked looking at me curiously, just like the others in the background.

"My name is Nashlynn Dragneel. I'm the daughter of Lucy Heartfilia."

I said smiling as they looked at me in shock. I tilted my head as I looked at them.

"W-well, Nashlynn-san, my name is Sylvia Fullbuster."

"Just call me Nashi."

I said as we smiled at each other. Then I looked back at the gorgeous girl in front of me.

"My name is Rosemary Fernandez. It's nice to meet you, Nashi."

She smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you too Rosemary."

Then the beauty with the light yellow hair came beside Rosemary then she bowed my way with a smile.

"I'm Nova Dreyar. I am the leader when our official male isn't here."

"Nice to meet you."

I smiled as I bowed as well. She turned to the guys on the sofa and introduced them to me.

"That guy who has similar features with Rose, is her little brother, Reiki Fernandez."

He waved me with a smile. I waved back as she continued.

"That one guy with darker skin, dark green hair and piercings, is Gale Redfox. And finally the guy with light blue hair and light blue eyes, just like Sylvia, is her younger-older brother, Rin Fullbuster. Their big brother, is our leader, Storm Fullbuster. Gale's younger sister, Emma, is out on a mission for now, so you won't meet her in a few days."

I smiled at her.

"Okay. Well, Sylvia said, that I could join you guys, so I came back.."

I said looking at Sylvia nervously, as she cheered me silently.

"We can't decide about that, we have to ask tha-"

"I agree. She can join. I don't mind as long as she doesn't cause trouble for me."


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this part. I had kind of a rough week, so, I'm sorry if this part isn't that interesting. I'll work harder. Have a good day everyone! Bye!

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