Chapter 44 : Argument

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Lisanna's POV.

"Hey, how dare you say shit like that?!"

A voice yelled from the front door, as the door burst open.


I gasped. It was Nashlynn, standing in the doorway, looking at my direction with a furious expression. I put on a grin.


I asked her. She became angrier. I looked over at Juvia and Gray.

"Oh my! Nashi-san! What brings you here?"

Juvia welcomed the teenager with a smile. I was annoyed. Gray smiled at her.

"Oh, god! I'm sorry for just coming in like that."

She apologized.

Juvia's POV.

"Oh, god! I'm sorry for just coming in like that."

Nashi apologized as she bowed. I smiled at her.

"Don't worry."

Gray-sama spoke. Nashi-san turned to Lisanna. Gray-sama smirked, while I smiled alongside him, knowing what Nashi-san's planning.

"Hey, you."

Nashi's POV.

"Hey, you."

I glared at the woman with white hair. She looked at me angrily.

"Who are you?"

I asked her.

"I'm Fey's mother. Lisanna Strauss."

I frowned.

"I see.."

I glared at her deadly. She looked surprised and a little scared.

"How dare you dare to talk so much shit about Storm?!"

I yelled at her with pure anger in my eyes.

"Miss. This is none of your business. I was clearly not talking to you, nor about you. And as far as I know, you already broke up with the eldest Fullbuster son."

My eyes widened at her. Gray-san and Juvia-san were looking at me confused and surprised.

"Oh? How come you know about that? I'm pretty sure we did not announce it."

I said to her annoyed. Her face went pale.

"That's true.. How on earth did you know that, when even we, the parents of the guy in question didn't know about the breakup?"

She remained silent to Gray-san's question.

"And, if I may add. It is indeed true. We did break up. But I never knew you were so concerned about our relationship."

I smirked at her. She was furious. 

"W-well, of course, I keep an eye on my future son-in-law."

She said confidently.

"Ma'am, if can say, I don't think the Storm Fullbuster I know would even date a girl like your daughter, Fey, let alone marriage."

I said. The woman was boiling with anger. I smirked at her.

"Just wait and see! I'll make you disappear! You were never meant to be born! I was the one Natsu should've married 20 years ago!! You and that slut, Lucy were just extras!! How dare you-"

She was about to slap me, but suddenly a shirtless man with raven hair, stood in front of me holding her wrist tightly. My eyes widened. His blue eyes were glaring at Lisanna deadly. It was Storm that stood in front of me. Lisanna was frightened.

"If you dare to touch even a strand of her hair, you'll be dead in that split second."

He said. I took a few steps back and was about to run away quietly when I heard his voice again.

"Don't you even dare Dragneel. We need to have a talk."

He said with a low and cold voice. I ran away at that second. I ran as fast as I could, and all I could hear from the Fullbuster house was Storm, who was yelling out loud.

"Nash!!! Wait!!"

I suddenly heard footsteps from behind myself. I ran faster.

"Nashi! What are you doing here?!"

He asked me. His voice sounded desperate.

"We weren't supposed to meet today! Go away!!"

I heard a 'tch!' from behind.

"You really think I'll let you off just like that?! You can't expect that from me, Nashi!!"

"But I want to! Leave me alone!"

I shouted at him.

"Where the hell were you?! There is no place in this city that I haven't looked at a hundred times, trying to find you!!"

He yelled after me.

"I was out of town! I just came to congratulate Erza-san and Jellal-san!! It has nothing to do with you-"

I was cut off, by Storm lifting me up in a bridal style from behind. My eyes were wide open.

"W-What are you doing!! Put me down, this instant!!"

I yelled at him embarrassed.

"That's not happening. We need to have a talk."

He said angrily. I remained silent, as I gave up.

'Whatever... I'll just tell him some nonsense and then leave in the morning.. I have to go, I have no time to waste.'

He kept on walking for a couple of minutes, then he entered a hotel. I blushed. He took one key and carried me up to the third floor, without any word. He walked into the room and threw me on the huge queen-sized bed. He closed and locked the door, then threw the keys to the floor. I just sat on the bed, glaring at him.

He looked at me and walked over. He leaned down and placed his hands beside my legs. He was glaring at me.

"Nashi, explain to me, what the hell is going on. Where were you?"

'Oh well. Here goes nothing!'

I thought to myself.

"I was out of town, training."


"In a forest."

"Why did you leave without a word?"

"I thought it would be less painful. Besides. I told you that I'll leave. That was our deal."

He let out a long sigh, then looked into my eyes.

"Are you gonna leave me again?"


I answered, hoping he'd believe.

"Thank god."

'Man, this is the worst.. I don't want to leave him again..'

He answered me and buried his face into the crook of my neck. I blushed. I stayed still, but then all of a sudden he bit my neck. I gasped.

"What are you doing?!"

I asked him as I backed away, holding the side of my neck that he bit. He looked at me, then smirked.

"I'm teasing you."

I crawled backwards, onto the bed, knowing what he's gonna do. 

"Where are you going?~"

He asked as he followed me onto the bed. I looked at him kind of surprised.

"Hey, control yourself."

I said to him. He looked at me, with his now fully changed, violet eyes.

"I don't see what you mean but listen here hot head. It's been a month since I saw you. I want you."

I looked at him with wide eyes.


Hey there! That was the new chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! See you with the next one [hopefully] !! HAve a good day! Byee!

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