Chapter 6 : None Of Your Business

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Nashi's POV.

I woke up around 2 AM in my room and tried to be as quiet as I could be. I dressed up and I wrote a letter to the others and left it on my desk.

'Man. It's the second time of me sneaking out. I should apologize when I get back here.'

I left my room unlocked so they could come in. I walked down the stairs and then out through the entrance door and left the place. I headed to the train station then brought a ticket. I got up on the train around 4 am. I fell asleep on the train again, but I woke up a few hours later. I got nervous about seeing my while family again. I started thinking.

'I remember the time when the army took my father and two brothers away from me and my mother when I was 3. It has been 15 years. I missed them to death. I wouldn't even recognize them now. They probably became more brave and good looking.'

I smiled to myself then I fell asleep again. After a few hours I woke up just in time to get off the train. I looked at the clock that the train station had. It was 8:43. I smiled softly and headed to the house I grew up in. After about 10 minutes I arrived. I knocked on the door gently. I heard loud footsteps getting closer and closer. I laughed a little. Then the door opened in front of me. I saw two handsome blondie in the doorway with a man with pink hair behind them. My brothers and my father. My eyes widened as I saw them. Their eyes got wide as well.

"H-hey. It's been long. Hi there, Luke, Lucas and father."

I smiled at them softly with tears running down on my face again. They jumped on top of me and hugged me. I hugged them back tightly.

"Been long, Nashi."

They said. I laughed.

"I missed you guys."

They laughed as well.

"We missed you too. Come inside quickly."

My father spoke up. We walked inside. I sat down on the couch with my two brothers. I smirked at them.

"You guys have grown so much! You don't look like some adorable dolls anymore. You've became handsome."

"Look who's talking. You still are the ugly cow that we used to know."

Luke said smirking. We laughed.

"Am I?"

I asked then I started to tickle him. He was laughing like crazy. I was laughing at him.

"He's saying the truth though. You didn't change much Nashi."

I looked over my shoulder as I saw my other brother Lucas smiling at me evilly. I laughed.

"Mom said the same a few weeks ago. I taught I changed a lot."

"Nah you're still the same playful, hot-headed, looking for danger girl. Just like your father!"

My father interrupted and laughed proudly. I smiled at my father brightly.

"How have you been dad?"

I asked letting Luke go.

"Those past 15 years have been rough. But I'm fine, Princess."

Then my mother entered the room. I stood up and looked at her.

"I'm sorry mom.."

I said looking away. I saw her smiling at me.

"It's nothing, Sweety. Come here for a hug."

She said as my eyes brightened. I ran up to he and hugged her tightly. We spend the whole day talking and having fun. I was happy to see them. But I had to go at night.

"Hey, I have to go now."

I smiled at them softly not really wanting to go. My two taller brothers stood in front of me with a questioned look.


They asked.

"To my.. Friends.."

I said nervously.

"Let us go with you."

"No need. I'll be just fine. Now if you'll excuse me."

I bowed to them and smiled.

"It was great to see you guys. I promise one day we'll spend a whole week together, and be like just like the old days."

They smiled.

"Alright. Just be careful."

They said to me. I hugged them with a smile, then hugged my parents and left. I left the house and headed to the train station. I waited an hour there for the train to come. I looked at my phone. It was exactly 10 PM. I got worried a little of how would they react to me when I get back.

My train arrived and I got up to it and suffered through the whole ride of it. After the 5 hours of ride I arrived back to the train station around 3 AM. I got nervous and worried about me facing them. I took all the courage I had and headed to the building. When I arrived back I opened the door nervously and very quietly. When I opened it I saw a bunch of gloomy teens on the sofas thinking deeply.

"I-I'm back.."

I said nervously and quietly. They raised their head and their eyes widened from the surprise. Then I saw him. The ice princess with his furious demon look locked on me. His voice was lower than I ever heard.

"Where have you been?"

He asked with the others still speechlessly looking at me in shock. I looked right at his dark blue ocean colored eyes.

"I needed to go somewhere. It was urgent."

He came up to me up pushed me up to the wall by my collar.

"Oh? What was that urgent business you had outside without telling me?"

He asked still looking deadly angry at me. I looked away from him.

"Sorry, but I'm not willing to tell you about that."

He threw me away on the floor hard. I got up and held my left elbow what was hit by the floor and was hurt badly. I looked away still not facing him then closed my eyes and spoke up calmly.

"I had to meet some people in another town."


He asked me getting even more furious. I glared at him.

"That is really none of your business."

I let out a sigh.

"I guess I'll leave first. Bye."

With that I walked out of the building, closed the door behind me. I walked away, wondering on the streets.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well! I'll look forward for you readers in the future as well! Thank you all for continue to follow me an read my stories and pay attention to it very well! Bye!

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