Chapter 14 : Gaming Room

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Nashi's POV.

He took me to my room and put me on my bed gently. He gave a kiss to my forehead. I blushed deeply. He smirked.

"You like this kind of treatment huh?"

He asked me evilly. I looked away from him and spoke up.

"Of course I do. I'm a woman."

He smiled and smirked again. He picked me up again and put me on the middle of the bed as he crawled on top of me. I blushed even more. I was blushing like a tomato.

"Look, you and I are no match."

I spoke up as he lowered his head next to me.

"What if we are? You never know."

"I know for sure that Ice and fire are no match."

"Well, as you wish. Tell me is you've changed your mind."

He said with a flirty voice as hand left hand ran up to my waist and held it tight while he kissed my jawline. Then he got off of me and stood up.

"Sleep well."


I said quietly while blushing crazy.

Storm's POV.

I walked out of her room and straight into my room closing the doors behind myself. I fell on my bed while blushing like crazy. I fell asleep while thinking about her. 

The next morning when I woke up, I changed my clothes and went down cause it was already 8 AM. I walked down the stairs and saw Nashi sitting at the table and having fun with Sylvia, Rin, Gale, Reiki and Rose. I blushed a little, then went and sat down on my seat.

"Hey Leader!"

I heard a familiar female voice shout from upstairs. Emma walked down on the stairs.

"I'm going out on a mission again, 'kay?"

She asked me. I nodded, then she left. After everyone was down we started eating. We were talking and having fun. Once Rin spoke up during our conversation about the party.

"Hey, wanna have some fun in the gaming room after dinner?"

Everyone seemed to like the idea, so we agreed. After breakfast we went up to our room and spend the time before lunch. I was practicing my magic. I managed to make a little heart from purple ice. It looked kind of cute. After lunch I was down with the guys, watching a basketball match. We were laughing and having fun while the girls were in the kitchen, baking. I was wearing black pants with the same colored sneakers I had. I didn't have a shirt on.

Nashi's POV.

I was baking and talking with the girls in the kitchen. The guys were watching a basketball match. I was kind of interested. After the girls finished baking I went over, behind the sofa that the guys were sitting at and spoke up while looking at the TV on the wall.

"What's the score?"

"It just started, It's 21-28 to the red."

Rin answered.


I sat on the back of the sofa and was watching the basketball match. After a few minutes I smirked and went up to my room. I changed my clothing and sneaked into the training room. When I quietly closed the door behind me, the big field was in front of me. I went to the middle of it while my long hair, tied up in a high ponytail, flew behind my back. I put some weights on my wrists and legs. Each weight was 5 kgs. I held out my hand and lit it on fire. I started practicing my magic. After about 4 hours of practicing, I took the weights off, wiped my sweat down and I went out of the room. 

Thankfully they told me about the other bathroom between the gaming room and Nova's room, which I never know existed. I got my stuff from my room and went into that bathroom and took a shower. After I was done I went into my room, dried my hair and dressed into something else. I put on black shorts, and a white tanktop. My  blue bra's straps were showing a little, but I didn't care. I walked downstairs with my hair tied up in a high ponytail again. I had my black shoes on. I walked over to the girls and smiled.

"How are ya doing?"

"We're fine. Would you mind helping up Nashi? The oven doesn't seems to work, and it's late to start repairing it."

Nova answered me. I laughed.

"Of course! What do you need help with?"

I asked them cheerfully.

"Well we kinda need your flame to help us keep the oven on."

Rose spoke up.


I began to heat the oven up. It heated up quickly, so I left a little flame inside it to keep it warm but not to burn it down. We had a good time laughing with the girls. We successfully made the dinner. 

I wanted to rest a little. I used so much magic, that I was on the low. When we finished, Sylvia put out the fire with her water magic. The others set the table as I was about to pass out. I was holding onto the counter making sure I wont' fall. After they were done, we sat at the table. I sat down carefully as we started to eat. After we were finished Rin and Sylvia spoke up.

"Let's go to the gaming room!"

'Fuck, I totally forgot about that.. Oh well I'm about to die anyway. I'll grab some beer.'

I taught to myself. We all nodded and went up into the gaming room. Everyone started to play. I drank like 2 bottles of beer in 2 hours. We were having fun. After awhile everyone got back into their rooms except me and Storm. I turned to him smirking as he smirked back. 

"Wanna have a match at the pool table?"

He put on an evil smirk.

"Sure flame brain. Wanna make a bet?"

He asked me.

"Sure. If I win.. You'll have to eat two ghost peppers with only 2 glass of milk."

I saw his smirk fade away. He hated spicy things really bad.


He said confidently as we started playing. It took us one and half an hour to play one round. it was 2 AM. I lost to him. He smirked at me evilly as he stood in front of me and with the pool table behind me.

"I lost. Well I'm going to bed now. Good night~!"

I said as I tried to walk away, but then he grabbed my waist and pulled me back. He had a few beers in him as well. He put on a perverted smirk.


Well guys, I hope you enjoyed the New Year's first chapter! And Happy New Year Everyone!

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