Chapter 6

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"People want to be friends with someone who likes to have a great time." - Adam Divine


I woke up feeling like it was going to be a long day. I still haven't heard from Adam and I still haven't texted him. I kept on looking at my phone last night, thinking that he forgot that we were supposed to meet or that he was busy. Why hasn't he texted me, then? To tell me that he can't make it. My mind was full of questions and situations as I layed down in my bed with my hands on my stomach and my face gazing at the ceiling.

Is Adam right? Am I that boring and don't have style? My clothes are...normal for me, I guess. I like wearing hoodies all the time, so? I don't like letting people know what's under those hoodies. Nobody can judge me or say anything about my body if they can't see it. Yes, it's sad that humanity has reached this. Having to cover ourselves up to not be called names or be judged by other people. Having to do what the society says so that we will have a place in this world.

With one last look at my phone I got out of my bed, already dressed for school because I woke up early.

"Emma! I'm taking you to school!"I heard Alyson scream from downstairs. I groaned and just closed my eyes. Another day, another possible fight. Sometimes I wonder if this is how life is actually supposed to be. A circle every day. Living just to end today and to start tomorrow.

Adam is, well, pretty weird and annoying but who am I to talk? Just another weirdo in a world full of perfect people.

I got out of my bed, and as my feet touched the cold wooden floor, shivers went down my spine. I pulled my legs up and covered them with my blanket. It's so cold today. It's not that cold outside, since this is Florida but usually there are 20°C in the morning. It does rain a lot these days and I'm really not complaining since I find rain to be very calming. I opened up my phone and played spotify. I got out of my bed completely and started doing my morning routine while singing and dancing around. I was using one of my hair brushes as a microphone when I heard Alyson's steps. I stopped the music as she entered my room with a mad look on her face.

"Come on, I have to meet up with Vanessa at the mall in like;" she said while looking at her phone "-20 minutes." I rolled my eyes not interested in her social life but still smiled and nodded.

Is it just me or everything gets automatically better if I just listen to my favorite song or band? It's like everything bad gets erased from my mind.

To be honest, I don't even have a social life. I don't have any social media. I just read, sleep, listen to music, eat and watch TV series. Since I'm kind of a loner I don't like having people over that much, only Skylar.

"Hello! Earth to Emma!" I heard Alyson yelling. I sighed as I gave up on listening to music for the time being.

"Huh?" I asked not knowing what she said. She had her hair up in a high ponytail and her heels made her look like she was 5'7. I looked up at her not recognizing my sister.

"I asked you, if you are ready to leave?" I nodded while still looking at her face. She just rolled her eyes and went downstairs, her heels leaving an echo with each step. I took my backpack and took one last look at my room, making sure that I didn't forget anything. I always forget something, and when I say that, I mean it. Yesterday I forgot my lunch money but Skylar shared her lunch with me. Two days ago I forgot my chemistry notebook at home, right when we had a pop quiz.

"I'M LEAVING!" Screamed Alyson as I stumbled down the stairs and made my way to her car. She had started the engine of the car, like she always does, just to scare me.

"Wait! Don't leave me here!" I yelled after her. She rolled her eyes as I got in the car while my breathing came back to normal.


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