Along the River

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Aslaug found a place for Little Bear to sleep, a bed in the same hut the slaves stayed in. Iona was grateful for a bed, even if it meant sharing with women she'd never met. It didn't matter to her though, she didn't need anyone to protect her. 

Laying in her bed at night, she held her large blade next to her under the cover as she listened. 

A few moments past her by before the door opened, a light shining in the room as she sat up and looked at who had entered the hut. There in the doorway, was a blonde woman, in her hands was the small lamp and a small smile painted on her lips. 

"Who are you?" The woman who entered asked Little Bear. 

Little Bear watched the woman who made her way to the empty bed next to hers, she assumed she was a slave girl since she was in this room. "Bjorn's sister," she answered without saying her name. 

The slave woman stripped down to her undergarments before climbing into her bed, "Who are your parents?"

"You ask a lot of questions," Little Bear pointed out as she ran her left-hand fingers along the sharp blade's edge. "What is your name?"

"Margrethe," she spoke before blowing out her light. 

Little Bear sat in the darkness, slowly shuffling under her cover as the smell of the extinguished flame filled the room. She didn't want to sleep, not tonight. She hadn't seen her brother before she headed off to sleep, infact she avoided all people after Aslaug took her to the hut she'd be sleeping in. 


When the sun rose, Little Bear left the hut. She would find time to bathe later, she didn't particularly fancy spending any more time cooped up in that hut if she didn't have to. Walking along the trails she found herself looking around every corner, her thoughts on her brother. 

Her moment to herself was interrupted by a hand touching her shoulder, panic filled her veins as she turned to see who was touching her since they had approached silently. "Sigurd!" She snapped as she pushed him away from her, her eyes flashing at him. "I could have killed you."

"Don't kid yourself, child," he winked at the girl as he laughed. "I have an idea, come with me."

She took a moment to think, if she went with him she could strike a bargain. "I'll come with you," she looked at him with a smirk. "But I want somewhere I can bathe later." 

Little Bear watched as Sigurd rolled his eyes before he nodded, "You don't want much do you?"

"I'm easily pleased," she smirked as she walked along with Sigurd not questioning where he was leading her too. 

He looked over at her for a second, his eyes full of wonder. She wasn't like the other women he had met, it seemed almost like she knew what she wanted from her life. She was like her mother from the things that Bjorn had said, strong, a leading lady and not scared of anything. "Tell me, what pleases you the most?"

"Easy," she didn't think about her answer as she spoke. "Battle, blood, guts, gore."

Sigurd didn't look at the young girl, he only listened to her. She was intriguing, something about her reminded him of his brother but at the same time, she was like his father. "Have you been in many battles?"

Little Bear laughed as she looked forward. "A few," she kept her answer short and open. Her mother was a fierce warrior therefore her upbringing meant she had the skills her mother had taught her. 

"I was thinking," he said as they rounded a corner and walked towards the river bank where they had first met. "Your brother mentioned something about me showing you around," he shrugged his shoulders as he smiled at her. 

"Sure," she agreed easily. "If Bjorn trusts you, then so do I." So maybe she bent the truth a little when she spoke to him. She was sure that her brother did trust him, but as of yet, she did not trust anyone else here in Kattegat. "Later, I would like to go out hunting though, you can show me the best spots."

Sigurd nodded at her, he hoped that they would be good friends. Things in Kattegat had been strained lately. His mother seemed to hold Ivar in the highest regards, in her eyes her youngest son could do no wrong, Sigurd knew better though. Ivar was becoming more and more of a problem with each passing day, Sigurd spent less and less time in his brothers' company. Both Ubbe and Hvitserk were loyal when it came to Ivar even if they didn't agree with everything he said. 

Little Bear smiled as she skipped by the river banks, her little feet moving almost rhythmically but she ground to a halt and turned back to look at Sigurd. "Can you swim?" Her voice was laced with a hint of playfulness as she threw her sword to the ground then took off the large fur cloak that covered her outfit, letting it fall to the floor.

"I don't think that's a good idea," he told her but she didn't care what he was saying. 

She stepped forward and reached for his hand, "Come on Sigurd. You said you'd show me around. I want to see the river."

He looked down at her hand on his before he looked back at her face, she was so innocent and full of life as she let go of his hand and pulled off her boots which covered her feet. "I can't let you get into the river."

A smirk crossed her face as Little Bear stood up straight. "I'm not asking you," she winked before she pulled her armour off her body leaving her in tight trousers and her tunic. "Do whatever you want," turning away from Sigurd she took a few steps forward before she stepped into the river. 

The cold water made her jump at first but she persisted and fully stepped into the water. The rushing river pulling her in and sweeping her with the flow, away from Kattegat.

"Meet you upstream," she called out as she let the water take her away. 

She couldn't help but smile to herself, the feeling she felt inside of her was freedom. Iona never felt tied down to anyone or any place but now she truly had no responsibilities. Here in Kattegat, she could be free to a degree, sure she couldn't go around killing whoever she wanted but she didn't have the restrictions that her mother had put on her before. The water dragging her away was beautiful, a release she had needed for so long.

Sigurd watched her, she really was a breath of fresh air around here. Most people would get caught up in the water and panic, not Little Bear, she took it all in her stride as she let the moving water take her away. 

When she surfaced from the water, grabbing a tree to help her out, she smirked as she saw Sigurd heading towards her. He was running as he approached the girl who was now dripping after being submerged in the water. She grinned at him as he finally got to her, "I did think you'd end up drowning in the river."

Little Bear laughed as she too her armour from him and pulled it on over her head, "You really are sweet." She looked up at him as she took her fur cloak drapeing it back over her, not caring that her clothes were wet underneath. "It's no where near my time to die." She was confident in her answer as she fastened the button and returned her gaze to Sigurd. "I am a gift from the Gods, they have not intended for me to die in such a boring fashion."

Sigurd was fascinated by the way she held herself, the way she was so sure about her life and what was meant to be. It scared him a little but he knew she was a force to be reckoned with, for someone who believes they are a God doesn't fear anything.

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