The Journey

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***Demetri's POV***

Two weeks flew by. The excitement over our journey was tangible. We were to meet at The Red Moon Pack by noon and get settled before we enjoyed the bonfire. Alpha Carter had generously offered us lodging, which is no small feat with two packs of our size.

The youngest pups stayed with their parents back at our territory, along with several others who were either to busy, older or needed to stay behind for health reasons. It's not safe to travel outside of our pack lands if you can't shift, which automatically keeps some members confined to our territory.

The majority of the pack was coming so all and all about 600 of us would be making our way to Alpha Carter's territory by tomorrow.

We gathered our belongings and sent them ahead in a bus, allowing some members who felt uncomfortable with the long run to ride along acting as chaperones to our luggage.
Myself, Beta Alex and Gamma Efran will be leading the run.

We planned to continue until a halfway point, this would be an unmarked territory where we could rest peacefully and hunt without fear of disrupting another packs land. This would be a stress free few days, allowing all of us to come together for the good of relationships among kindship, new mates and old friends. I was extremely satisfied with our plans and couldn't wait to begin our journey.

Addressing the pack with Alex and Efran at my flanks, I stated "we will be running in two shifts to keep everyone at a calm pace. Eight hours from now we will stop and take our rest for the evening. Once we get back on the path we will go for another 7 hours before entering The Red Moon Pack territory.

The younger wolves will be in the middle of our pack, the experienced warriors will be at the back and our warriors in training will flank the sides. Me, Alex and Efran will lead the run. Keep your eyes and ears alert. Make sure your mind link is open and do not hesitate to alert someone if anything seems out of place.

If you see anyone struggling, help them. We are going to go hard and strong. We should be to Red Moon by noon tomorrow. Any questions?"
And wouldn't you know, someone always has a question!

"Alpha?" One of the older teenage girls starts.

"Yes? Christine?" I ask.

"Are the male wolves at Red Moon Pack as hot as Beta Alex and Gamma Efran?"

Oh, holy Moon Goddess! What have we got ourselves into?

"Any serious questions?" I ask. And now I wish I hadn't!

"Alpha?" Another teenage girl shyly starts.

"Yes? Elizabeth?"

She starts shyly before she asks "seriously? Are there gonna be hot guys like Beta and Gamma?"

"For fucks sake, can we just get moving already?" I growl before the pack starts howling and shifting.

As we're running, at a pace too slow for my wolf, Renzo's, liking, I mind link Alex and Efran.

"Guys, are they serious right now?" I speak.
Alex comments "hey, they like what they see." I look over at him and see his ridiculously stupid wolf grin.

Efran starts chuckling before he responds with "Alpha's just mad they didn't include him with the hotties."

I let out a swift kick to my left, nailing Efran in his side causing him to roll over. I roared out a deep guttural laugh as he picked himself up and returned to my six.

"What was that for?" Efran whined. All the while smirking at me and wiggling his big stupid wolf ears in my direction.

I rolled my eyes and said "that's for disrespecting your Alpha."

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