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***Demetri's POV***

We were walking the pack grounds with Alpha Carter, Beta Michael, Beta Alex and Alisa, Gamma Efran and Lindsay. We were showing the Red Moon leaders our territory. I am so proud of our land and our pack. We have a beautiful home.

We walked up to two pack members in the training ring. They were sparring in their human forms. Two unranked members were fighting for our entry level warrior position. This is common to climb the ranks. I decided to be the announcer since they were fixing to shift into wolf form.

Stepping into the ring and relieving my Lead Warrior I looked at Isaiah and Landon. They both lowered their heads in an act of respect. I acknowledged them and they brought their eyes back to mine.

"Alright trainees" I started. "On my call, you will shift into your wolves. We will not fight dirty. We are family. You will fight with fairness and when one of you submits, the winner will take rank as a warrior. Am I understood?" I questioned.

"Yes Alpha" they replied.

I stepped to the outside of the ring to prevent any distractions from my trainees. I yelled "Shift". Both boys lowered themselves and let their bones crackle and break, fusing into their beasts. They came together and began circling one another. Both searching for weaknesses in their opponent.

I surveyed both trainees and noticed both were equally strong. I was impressed with their patience. My guests, Betas and Gammas came to stand beside me. All watching carefully at the two wolves in the ring. Isaiah lunged first, ramming into Landon's right side. A small whimper escaped Landon's wolf, but he quickly rolled to the side to regain his stance.

Landon continued watching Isaiah's wolf. And when Isaiah tried to land a kick to Landon's ribs, Landon swatted his hind leg with his paw. Isaiah quickly corrected, preventing his body from making contact with the mat. Their moves were slow and calculated, just as we taught. Never be hasty in your attack, rogues will always go for the easy kill. The strength comes in endurance.

Alpha Carter asked me "is this the technique you train with?" I was not offended, as I could see genuine interest in his facial expressions. I answered him "yes sir, calculated attacks reduce injury and give us the upper hand, rogues will always use haste."

He replied "Very impressive! We teach this as well."

This made me happy. Earning the respect of my allies is always a concern.

Landon soon noticed a small weakness in Isaiah. Isaiah was favoring his left leg, I knew this to be from his injury last week. He had pulled his right hamstring when sparring with Alex in a practice round. I guess he wasn't 100% healed. Landon calmly waited for Isaiah to back up, when he did, Landon let out a guttural growl before the throwing his whole body into Isaiahs right flank. Isaiah quickly fell and rolled to his back.

Landon pounced, landing his left paw in Isaiahs shoulder and his right paw pressed down on Isaiah's neck. In a sign of submission, Isaiah turned his head and showed Landon his neck. I howled, signing that the fight had ended. No injuries were incurred. Both boys immediately shifted. Landon put his hand out to help Isaiah up. And when they both stood, the boys acknowledged each other . Isaiah congratulated Landon.

The crowd cheered and I entered the ring to praise my guys for their clean fight. I turned to Isaiah and let him know, once his hamstring fully healed, to try again with the next pack member. I welcomed Landon to the warrior position, eliciting a large smile from my new warrior.

I left the rink after thanking my Lead Warrior and returned to my group of watchers. They looked impressed and I couldn't be happier. Lindsay asked me "Is that a common practice? The fights going so smoothly?"

I replied "For the most part, when it comes to hashing for titles. Unfortunately, there is sometimes a wolf who wishes to act out. But, we never let them get out of hand and we always punish them for the disrespect."

This seems to have been a good answer. Beta Michael smiled his approval. I felt proud that they approved of our routine. Things don't always go as planned, but when they do, great strides are made within the pack. This was one of the good times.

We checked out different stations, the leaders asked questions from time to time. I lead them to the daycare that was being built. Allowing them to witness our pack members building their bond thru teamwork. Also, pointing out how hard work was good for wolves, it gave them a sense of accomplishment.

We headed back to the pack house for lunch and refreshments. As we got to the porch, Alisa turned to me as if she had a question.

"Alisa, sweetheart, would you like to ask me something?" I questioned. This earned a small growl from Alex. He didn't like the sweet name I used. I just laid a reassuring hand on Alex shoulder, to let him know I posed no threat.

Alisa continued, "Lindsay and I wanted to invite you and our mates to a wolf club outside our pack tonight."

I thought about it. Deciding that a little outing wouldn't hurt anything, I responded "Sounds fun, let's finish up here and we can get ready. Is there any special reason for our adventure?"

Lindsay answered me this time "Me and Alisa are in a band, we would like to have our boys and you support us. It's a charity thing. The money from the door charge will go to wolves that have been misplaced by the pack wars."

This made me smile, my Beta and Gamma ladies were something else. Little heavenly angels who always thought of others before themselves. I couldn't help but be impressed. I smiled widely at their actions.

I said, "I would love to support your cause. You two are amazing. Count us in."

Thinking about my parents who have been on duty to the pack, more often than not lately, I decided to ask a favor of Alpha Carter and Beta Michael.

"Alpha Carter, Beta Michael?" I spoke.

"Yes, Alpha Demetri?" They replied in sync.

"Would it be too much to ask that you keep an eye on my pack for the night? My parents have been covering for us a lot and I would be honored if you and your mates would stand in our place tonite." I stated.

Alpha Carter smiled and nodded. And Beta Michael responded. "We would love to!"

"Great! We won't be too long. If you need us just let one of the girls know." I said.

With that we headed inside and got some lunch. As usual our pack ladies already had a beautiful spread of subs, chips and lemonade ready for my guests and hungry pack members. I thanked each one of them before taking a seat, blessing the food and eating our meal.

I'm sorta excited to take a break from being Alpha tonight. I haven't had a night out in far too long. This would be fun!

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