Getting Ready

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***Lindsay's POV***

"Alisa what's the plan tonight? I know you have one?" I asked

"Well, I guess I should start with the story of meting my mate, Alex." Alisa Said.

"And why is this trip down memory lane important?" I interrupted.

"Hush now 'oh impatient one'" she said.

"You weren't home when I came home from my trip." She started.

***Alisa's flashback***

I walked thru the doors of the Red Moon pack house, our home. Immediately I was surrounded by strangers. But, I couldn't focus on what or who was inside. I felt drawn to the back garden. The scent of pecan wood and honey filled my nose and made my mouth water. I felt small tingles rise on my skin and I could hear a light buzzing sound. My wolf, Ishka, she was going fucking nuts. She was scratching and pacing. I found it hard to concentrate around her whining. But, she was pushing me to the door by the breakfast nook. I followed her lead absently, believing she was being her annoying self. As I opened the back door the scent became intoxicating, I felt like I had no control on my body. I walked onto the patio and all at once I heard the double echo of MATE. Ishka, came pounding to the forefront of my mind, not letting me have any control of myself. I looked up and there was this captivating God like creature standing so tall and proud. He was in conversation with your father and mine. I couldn't bare to wait a even a moment. I needed to be beside this man. He was stunning. His jet black hair and creamy tan skin looked so sexy. His broad shoulders and muscular body captivating me instantly. His body jewelry and tattoos were eliciting dirty thoughts from my mind. I wanted to fall before his feet and beg him to accept me. Then his entrancing gray eyes locked with mine. It was magnetic, the metallic silver of his orbs just pulled me towards him. The color so vibrant I couldn't speak as I just stared in wonder. How could this be mine? As I neared him, Alex, he pulled me into his arms and buried his head in my hair. I relaxed under his touch. My heart beating incessantly quick, birds taking high dives inside of my stomach and my mind chanting prayers of thanks to the Moon Goddess above." She continued.

"As I turned my head to look to the side of my mate, my heart began to ache. I worried for the reason I was not as happy as I should be. Ishka was bringing my attention to my right, it was strange. We waited our whole lives to find our mate and she wanted to draw my attention elsewhere. I glanced around and I saw him. Identical to Alex, dejectedly standing by the corner of the garden. His sorrow ripped at my soul. Then, as if on dvr, my wolf showed me what I had missed. It was not an echo of my mates claim. It was two claims, simultaneously being spoken." She said.

***end of flashback***

"Oh Moon Goddess, does Alpha Demetri know you realized?" I asked cautiously.

"I don't think so, he ran. He ran so fast, I couldn't move to comfort him or help sort his confusion. He just disappeared into the forest. I felt Alex wolf whimper and I knew he was aware." Alisa explained.

"Well this is a fucked up situation, if I ever encountered one!" I exclaimed.

Alisa shook her head and said "Tell me about it!"

"So, what is your theory. I can actually here your mind wheels turning faster than an Aston Martin's rotors." I chuckled.

"Well, Alpha Demetri and Alex are identical twins, right." She said.

I had no idea where this was going, if I was being honest. I just stood there looking like a deer caught in headlights.

Alisa snickered at my ridiculous confusion.

"Alivia!" Is all she stated.

I physically slapped my hand on my right cheek in a "duh" moment. Which I regretted immediately, as she laughed way too loud at the shriek that escaped my lips.

"So, you think Alivia may be Alpha Demetri's mate?" I questioned. Although I was pretty sure I was right.

"Precisely, my dear Watson." She said with a wink.

"Oh I can't even right now." I squealed. "Tell me the plan, like NOW!" I screamed excitedly.

"Alivia is going to meet us at the club. She is our lead singer after all! We will let her catch on by herself. I want to see this play out. I just pray I'm right. Alivia is absolutely perfect for Alpha Demetri." She claimed.

We got ready. I slipped on my usual. Band tee, dark wash skinny jeans ripped to shreds and combat boots.

Alisa was wearing a pink glimmering halter that was backless, a pair of black skinny legged pants that were leather and a pair of ballerina flats.

We looked fabulous!

I couldn't wait to see my mate. I hoped he approved of what I looked like, I wouldn't want to have to slap some sense into him. Although I wouldn't stop myself from firmly smacking that fine ass of his. Mmmhmmm that ass tho. I like that shit!

We hooked our arms together and headed down stairs to meet our boys. Ready to watch the Moon Goddess at work. Or, at least we hoped our hunch was not off base.

The Alpha & Beta's Mate (MXW)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن