Big news

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[Edited as of the 7th of April 2014 ✓]


[Tuesday morning - 9AM]

My sleep was ruined as my mobile phone rung loudly through my bedroom.
I shot up and looked at my phone to see who was calling me. 

"Unknown number"

I was puzzled, I had no clue who was ringing me, and I didn't have work for another two hours or so, but I answered it anyway.

"Hello? Am I speaking to Amanda by any chance?" A young guy asked.

"Um, yeah. I'm Amanda, can I help you?" I replied, quite confused, how did he know my name? 

"I'm Asking Alexandria's mananger and you entered the competition to come on a two week tour with them am I correct?" He asked.

I went silent. At first I wasn't quite realising what he said, but then it clicked! I had completely forgotten that I entered the competition, I must've been a winner if the manager was ringing me!

"Oh, yeah, sorry. I completely forgot about that." I nervously laughed. "Yes, I entered the competition. Have I won anything?" I muttered, still half asleep.

"Yes. You have one the spot on the tour with them!" He announced happily. "The tour starts two weeks Saturday."

I was completely shocked, I stood up and starting screaming, crying and running around my room. I had finally won something, and it was this big!

"Oh my gosh!" I screamed. "Thank-you so much, I am so fucking happy that I've won this, it's been a dream of mine for so long to go on tour with a band, but a band I love this much is AMAZING!" I cried.

"Well Amanda, we have your address and the Asking Alexandria tour bus will be outside your house at dead on 7am, two weeks Saturday! We will ring you if there's any problems at all." He chuckled.

"I will be ready, thanks a lot!" I screamed, still full of excitement, then the man hung up. 

After screaming for another ten minutes, I sat on my bed, shocked. I couldn't believe it, I was going on an Asking Alexandria tour, I was going to be sharing the same bus as them, I was so excited! 

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