Still not done with you (James POV)

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[✔ edited as of 27th June 2014]


[Playing spin the bottle on the tour bus.]

"I dare you to kiss Benji boy!" Danny said to Amanda with a big grin on his face. 

I felt my chest feel like it was being stabbed, I didn't want Amanda to kiss Ben, because he would end up making her fall in love with him, and he would just go and use her and leave her for nothing. 

To my shock, Amanda kissed Ben, it seemed like forever that they were kissing, I couldn't help but look, I wanted to look away but I couldn't help it, I really hated it so much. 

It felt like she was ripping my heart right out of my chest and stomping on it.

Anger ran through me as I ran over and got Ben by his neck, and started walking off the bus with him.

Once we got outside, I shoved him against the bus and slammed the door. 

"What the fuck are you doing James?" Ben shouted, trying to pull away from my grip. 

"What do you mean what am I doing? You were kissing Amanda! Don't do that to her you cunt. You know I'm still not fucking over her, it's been a day, you're meant to be my friend and you go off kissing the girl who I'd risk my life for!" I said, tears getting ready to shoot out of my eyes. 

"That's cute." I turned to see Amanda walking down the steps, she looked beautiful as usual.

I let go of Ben, realizing he was proberly drunk, that's why he kissed her. He ran back onto the bus quickly.


Amanda walked towards me, her brown eyes shining in the light of the moon, tears were rolling down her cheeks, she looked up at me and touched my face. 

"James. It was just a kiss, you don't need to be mad, it's a stupid game." Amanda said.

"It's not just a game Amanda, he's kissing you and I fucking love you." 

"I love you too, I'm not over you already silly, I am just friends with Ben, it was just a dare, I knew it was hurting you s-"

"So why didn't you fucking stop letting him shove his tounge down your throat?" I butted in. 

She sighed. 

"Really, I was letting all of my hurt out, and I needed someone's touch. I miss your kisses already James, I truly love you and we are now over, I needed someone to love me, even if it was just for a minute and it was fake." She said. 

Something came over me, and I pulled her close to me, breaking the space between us and kissing her.

She could've pulled away from me, knowing it may hurt her more kissing me again, but she never, she kissed me back.

I'd never kissed her like this before, I could really feel the love and sadness in her kiss, she really did love me, with all of her heart and that one kiss was fixing both of our hearts. 

After a while, she pulled back and smiled at me. 

"I love you James, but you can't kiss me again, I really want to, but it will make it harder for when I leave you on Saturday." She said, she hugged me. 

We stayed in that position for a good twenty minutes, as we both sobbed all of our hurt away from us.

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