Run free

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[✔ Edited as of 10th June 2014]


[2 days later.]

So, over the last couple of days nothing really happened on the tour.
Me and James kind of stopped kissing as we were apart for a bit, then he was out drinking on the free nights he got.
Yesterday he was at the venue all day meeting fans and practicing, then last night he was drinking with the other band, so I was left on my own really. 


Today Asking Alexandria were playing another show quite close to last nights venue, so they let me sleep in.

They were meeting fans in the venue, so I had the bus to myself.
I turned on the Rock music channel, and to my delight, Motionless In White came on! I started singing along to the lyrics and dancing around the bus with my Motionless In White hoody and black shorts on. 


"Well, that's mean isn't it?" Sam said from behind me, smirking.

I turned bright red as I turned around, I was so embarrased. "Don't mind me love, I'm just looking for James' sticks, the ones in there are shit." 

This made me feel a little down, so I turned the TV off and took a seat on the sofa, looking for some comfort and answers in Sam.

"Sam?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He replied, turning to me. "What's up?" 

"Is James trying to avoid me by any chance? We had a thing, then for the past two days he has ignored me and not kissed me, not even looked at me when we've eaten." 

"What has made you ask this?" Sam asked, frowning.

"The fact you are looking for his sticks when he knows I'm on the bus." I replied.

Sam sighed at this.

"Look love, I'll try and talk to him and see what's up. I'll try and get him to talk to you, and if he won't I'll come and tell you before the show, I promise." He said.

I nodded. "Okay. Thanks Sam."

What was going on?
James seemed to like me two days ago, and now he's not interested in me at all! I wonder if he has met someone new, who he likes a lot more than me, or had he been using me all along, what had I done?
I did nothing, just be as nice as I could to him, and he never gave me anything back.

I started to really worry, and I wanted to go home and cry. I wish I'd never came on this fucking tour, because my feelings were being played with too much. 

[2 hours later.]

The show was just about to start, and nobody had came onto the bus to check on me, and Sam or James hadn't spoken to me, like Sam said he would do.

"Right, that's it." I said to myself, standing up and walking to the bunks.

I was so angry at that moment.

I got all of my things and started packing them up quickly, I wanted to get out of here, it was driving me mental.
I had money to be able to get a coach down to my hometown, and then get a bus outside my house.

Asking Alexandria were starting to get to me, and I couldn't let them get me down.
I loved their music and some of their personalites, but I couldn't take being on a bus with them any longer. 
Once I was packed I got off the bus and walked towards the road, to see a local policeman.

"Excuse me sir, can you give me directions to the nearest coach station please?" I asked.

He nodded and told me how I could get to the station, it would take me about an hour by foot, but I walked anyway.  

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