The last day

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[✔ edited as of 27th June 2014]


[Friday afternoon- 3PM]

This week was going so fast and it was so boring, I mainly spent my time crying.

The boys had been busy sorting flights for themselves to places they were going to once done with the tour, the only person I had been talking to a lot was Sam.

He was so kind, he was like a best friend of mine, even if we were in the bunk next to eachother we'd text. 

I was lying in my bunk again listening to some relaxing music, I'd been crying for so long that I had a headache. 

I felt a vibration from my phone, and I unlocked it.

One new message

S: "Are you okay? I might be able to have a break in about ten minutes to come on the bus again to see how you're doing. How about you come out for a bit, it is your last day, you don't want to be alone." 

A:  "I'm good, I might come out in a few, don't worry about me." 

I got up and washed my face, trying to calm down a little before I put make-up on, Sam was right, I didn't want to be alone on my last day, I needed to suck it up and enjoy myself. 


I walked into the venue to see Sam wave at me and smile, he was on stage setting the instruments up. I walked over to the stage and sat on the edge of it. 

I'd been to this venue last year, it was only the city next to mine and AA were playing here, so I got the train and I saw them. 

Sam came and sat down next to me. 

"Are you okay?" Sam asked. I just nodded, I didn't feel okay, but I wanted to pretend I was. 

Sam hugged me and kissed my cheek, then carried on setting up. 


The boys had a little practice and they sounded great as usual, I bobbed my head along pulling a few fake smiles at Danny evey now and then to try and act like I was fine. 

"That's how we fucking roll!" Danny screamed. 

I sang along with him and slighty cheered up. 


The show had finished and we went onto the bus and got dressed up, the boys were inviting a few friends around again and they wanted me to get drunk and have a good last night with them all, so I put on my nice party clothes and cracked open a beer, and drank and drank. 

Whitesnake came on the radio and everyone on the bus started manically singing along to it.

"Here I go again on my own, walking down the only road I've ever known!" I sang, this song totally explained how I was feeling right now, so I belted it out. 

Sam and James had a drinking competition and James was sick all over the floor, which I cleaned up so nobody would tread in it. 

All over the bus people were fucking, drinking, singing, dancing, kissing, laughing, you name it. It was a fun atmosphere. 

I enjoyed being on a bus with Asking Alexandria, and I didn't want tomorrow to come, so I continued to party as much as I could. 


The bus was heading slowly back to my city, dropping people off along the way, all boozed up and ready to sleep. 

Danny was passed out with about four sluts on top of him, Ben was getting it on with some model in his bunk, Cameron was in the shower fully clothed, drunk and making out with a girl who was also fully clothed, James was on the sofa asleep, and me and Sam were sitting there playing cards and talking. 

"So, it's Saturday now." Sam said. "How're you feeling?" He asked.

I just grinned. 

"I'm actually happy right now, with a lot of people who I love all having an awesome time, it feels like I'm finally happy again." 

Sam nodded at me. 

"I'm going to miss you alot." He said.

I frowned. "I'm going to miss you too, I'm going to miss all of you, you've all been good to me for the past two weeks."

I smiled. 

Sam hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I'm off to bed now, but before that I need to stop the bus and kick the strangers off before they wake up in another city." He laughed. 

I stood up and looked around a messy tour bus, I just smiled at it. That was the whole experience of an AA tour bus, it was messy a lot of the time, but in a good way, full of mess which reminds us of the good times. 


I got undressed and packed my bags, leaning them against the sofa for the morning, I sighed and got into my bunk, it was so sad knowing I wouldn't see this boys again in a long time, I may not see them again after this. 

Then, I fell fast asleep. 

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