Romance blooming

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[✔ Edited as of 18th May 2014]



Once the small show was finished, everyone was occupying themselves by pottering about and doing different things.

This particular venue had a nice shower room for bands to use afterwards, so James had only just jumped out of the shower.

The supports had gone about half an hour before with their equipment.

James came backstage and picked up his phone and sticks, then, he smiled at me. 

It was just me and him left behind in the dressing room, as the boys had battled to see which of them could get into the shower first. 

James hadn't even tried to battle against them, so he decided to be the first to pack their equipment away.

"James, are you sure you're okay?" I asked. "You seem really sad and pissed off tonight. You haven't spoken and that's not normally like you, I feel as if me and you have swapped around." 

I then placed my hand on his shoulder as he looked down at me sadly.

"I am just a little sad with the way some people are treating you on this tour already, like the others, they are my friends but they piss me off when they say creepy things to you." 

"That's cute." I admitted, blushing when he looked up at me. "It's ok that they're saying them things, I find it funny at times, it doesn't phase me though. I actually like you the most, I think you're amazing." 

James raised his eyebrows at this, he must've been shocked by my sentence.

Just as I moved my hand from his shoulder, he took my hand and kissed it, then, he wouldn't let go of my hand as we exited the venue and made our way to the bus with everyone's eyes on us.

"Are you two together or something?" Sam asked first when the boys arrived back on the bus.

I looked at James to see him watching Sam.

"I don't know mate." He replied cooly.

"What do you mean you don't know? You idiot." Cameron said laughing.

I felt quite bad because I did kind of liked Cameron and also Ben. But something about James made me happy.

"Mate, we both like eachother but it isn't a thing yet, we are just holding hands." James said to Cameron.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Danny send a smirk to Ben, and then he opened his big mouth and cooed.

"Ooh, you two are gonna get it on!" Danny said.

My eyes shot to Danny as I glared, his joking was annoying me and I could feel James tensing, so I knew he wasn't amused either. 

Noticing our unhappy glares, Danny retorted to his bed with a sulk.

Ben patted James on the back once Danny had shut up and gone to his bunk.

"Get in there mate." Ben chuckled.

James giggled at this, he couldn't stay mad at Ben, he was his best friend. 

All of the awkward stares and comments from the boys were making me uncomfortable, so I let this be my que to slip out of the room for a while to cool down.

"I'll be right back, I need the toilet." I said to James and let go of his hand. 

"Don't be long or I'll steal your boyfriend!" Ben shouted from behind me.

"He's not my boyfriend Ben!" I laughed.


Danny and Sam were now in bed, the show had worn them out, but me, James, Cameron and Ben were watching TV in our bed clothes. I was cuddled up to James on the sofa with my head on his lap, he was stroking my head like a cat, but it was relaxing me. 

"Right, I'm off to bed. Night everyone." Cameron said, standing up.

"Night Cam." I smiled.

Ben took the remote and started flicking through the channels as James started falling asleep. His head was tilting back and his mouth was open, he looked so cute. I carefully moved his hand off of me and slowly sat on his lap facing him. Ben looked to see what I was doing. 

"Kiss him!" Ben whispered.

I shook my head, but Ben was telling me it will be cute.

So, I got his head and kissed his lips.

James woke up from the movement on his mouth, and when he opened his eyes he stopped fidgeting and smiled against my lips, then he pulled me closer to him and continued kissing me. 

This was the best, yet oddest feeling ever. 

I was truly falling for James Cassells.

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