So this is good-bye

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[✔ edited as of 27th June 2014]


[Saturday morning - 10AM]

I woke up and had a shower, my last one on the bus.

Everyone was still asleep, I packed my last few things up except my keys and phone, I got into my puple AA top, hoodie and black skinny jeans, I slid my black vans on and I was ready to go home. 

James was sleeping on the sofa still, so I poured a cup of coffee and sat down, turning the TV on quietly. 

I was set to go home, but inside I was holding onto the bus and the boys, not wanting to go at all. 


After a while, James started to wake up and he stetched out moaned, then sat up and hugged me. 

"You can't leave if I'm holding onto you." He said, I just smiled and a tear rolled down my face.

"I don't want to go, because you will all leave and forget about me." I said, then took a sip of coffee.

"Amanda, it's pretty hard to forget about the person who has made you feel like you are worth something, the person who has been a first true love. I won't forget about you, but leaving is my job." He said. 

I nodded, he was sadly right. 


All of the boys had got up and showered, packed their things too.

They were sitting with me and James on the sofa telling me they would all miss me and how I'd made a huge impact on their life's, which was fake, well, most of it was fake.

They'd only known me for two weeks, they'd definetly forget about me after about three months or so, Sam wouldn't forget because I'd constantly text him, he was a big part of me now, he was like my brother. 

"Amanda, I want you to know you do mean something to all of us, you seem like you think you don't mean a thing and really, you do." Ben said. 

The boys nodded in agreement.

I sighed. "Mmm, thanks Ben, thanks boys." 

"Group hug!" Danny shouted, and with that we all hugged. 

They were kind of making me feel a little better, I was scared to go back home and face the real world again, because with Asking Alexandria you're kind of on a different planet with them. 

"We are in your city, Amanda, you should be home within a hour!" The driver called, I nodded. 

"Thanks!" I shouted back. 

I then excused myself from the group as I went to check that I had everything I'd brought with me for the tour.

James came up behind me. 

"Amanda?" He whispered.

I turned around, and he had a present and card in his hand.

"I got you these last night, I tried to hide them, sorry if you saw them already. Don't open them until you're in your house, ok?" He said.

I nodded, and hugged him.

I wondered what was inside them, I really wanted to open them before so I could say thank-you, but I never because it would upset James. 

[Five minutes away from home]

So, this is goodbye, the thing I'd been dreading for the past week. 

I got up and hugged Sam first, he squeezed me tight, trying not to cry and he kissed me on the cheek. 

I went to Ben next, he hugged me and slapped me on my ass, he had a huge grin on his face and I rolled my eyes then laughed. 

Then I went over to Danny "Goodbye love." He said and he gave me a bear hug. 

Then, Cameron, who was really quiet. "Sorry I haven't spoke to you much over the last two weeks, I just am a quiet person really." He said.

"It's fine, it's been lovely sharing a bus with you." I said and smiled, I gave him a hug and he felt lovely. 

Five minutes passed quickly, and I looked out the window as we pulled up outside of my house, with my parents and Lucy waiting and smiling. 

I gave my bags to the driver who took them up to the house. 

James was the last person I went to because I wanted to do something. 

"Goodbye Amanda." He said started to cry.

"Bye James." I replied, tears rolling down my cheeks too as we hugged tightly.

We pulled back, and I surprised James by grabbing his collar and kissing him passionatley, he kissed me back, it was a long kiss, I never wanted it to stop. 

"I love you." I whispered in his ear. 

"I love you too, I will always love you." He said, and he kissed me one more time, then wiped the tears from his face. 

I waved to them all and walked down the steps, I was home again. This was it.

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