I am rock and roll!

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[edited as of 27th June 2014]



I was ready for the day ahead, I'd had my shower and I was doing my normal make-up and tied my hair back.

After the bar fight last evening, I was still in a lot of pain with my head. I was lucky that the woman who attacked me didn't catch my name, so she now couldn't take me to court. 
But I still was angry with her, she could've killed me!

I headed to the kitchen and grabbed an energy drink, I was so sleepy, I needed a bit of energy.
I wasn't going to tell my parents that I was in a bar fight and in hospital, because it would worry them and they would want me home a week earlier, and the fun was only just getting started.


"Are you okay to watch us play this show?" James asked me, worrying about my head. 

"Yes! I haven't actually watched a full show of yours yet, so tonight I will." I smiled back at him, recieving a kiss as Danny and Sam walked in.

"Are you two coming to walk with me and Danny to get some snacks or us all to eat for dinner?" Sam asked.

Me and James agreeed to go, as the store was only around the corner.
It was packed with good food, and I hadn't been eating properly at all, as the boys had been playing shows.
The only okay thing we seemed to eat was breakfast, and with them being British, they had a full English breakfast, it tasted nice, Danny was great at cooking, so he cooked the meals we had on the bus. And if we didn't eat on the bus, we'd stop off at a burger van and eat from there. 

"Get me a box of beers please, we're running out." Sam called over to me, so I grabbed the nearest ones, Danny had lots of booze for the bus in his hands already, heading over to the counter.

"Excuse me sir, but I won't allow you to by this much booze." The man said. 

Danny looked at him with anger. What was the mans problem?

"Mate, this is for a whole band. We have a tour bus with around eleven people on it, all of this isn't just for me, we need this to last for the next week. A lot of the members are big drinkers, don't you want the money too?" Danny said to him, but the man shook his head.

"Sir, I think you and your band have a drinking problem." 

I raised my eyebrows in shock as the guy denied Danny yet again.
I noticed James shifting uncomfortably next to me, which meant he was trying to refrain from punching the guy. 

"We're a fucking metal band, we don't have a drinking problem, we're on tour, trying to have a good time." James said. 

The man denied for the third time, and something inside of me clicked. 

I passed the box of beers to Sam, and then I moved forward, knocking a bunch of displays over around the shop. 

"Hey, what do you think you're doing, do you want me to call the cops?" The guy shouted.

I continued knocking things over. "Call them, I could do this all day. I'll leave if you give us the booze." 

The man angrilly sighed, as I pushed a large stack of cans over. 

"Okay! Okay, to get you out of my store. You need to hurry up and pay $40 now!" The man said to Danny, rushing him.

Danny winked at me and he paid, then we all grabbed some stuff and out we headed towards the bus. 

"You are a fucking legend for giving us that idea, just to be total twats to that dude and he let us have all of it." Danny was laughing. 

"I'm magic like that." I smiled and winked at him. 

"You are pretty magical in something else too." James mumbled, smirking at Sam. 

I rolled my eyes, earlier was kind of a mistake, I hadn't known James that long and we did...that. Ew. 

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