What's happening with him? [Part 2]

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[✔ edited as of 27th June 2014]


[Later that day- 6PM]

I couldn't help but wonder what was going on with Danny. He hadn't spoken much all day after he'd shouted on the phone to that girl, and this behaviour from Danny was entirely new to me.

"What's going on with Danny?" I whispered to James, whilst Danny was asleep on the sofa. 

James looked at me and shrugged his shoulders, he would of liked to have known what was going on with Danny too. He seemed a bit off with everyone lately, I could tell in James' eyes that he was sad for Danny. 

"The bus is stopping until 6AM tomorrow!" The driver shouted, as we stopped at a motel/diner. 

"Ooh, do you want to come with me to pick something to eat babe?" James asked me, whilst grabbing his wallet.

I nodded, getting up and walking off the bus with him. 


When we got into the diner it looked nice, it was bright and it had country music playing. There were a few truck drivers getting some coffee off the waitresses and eyeing them up and down. It was quite perverted to me, but I guessed that the waitresses were used to male attention, especially off the truck drivers who would travel around the country and not get much attention from the ladies.

Me and James walked up to the counter where a man stood. 

"How can I help you two?" He asked with a bored tone.

James looked up at the menu above the mans head and began to say the order.

"Two large steak meals for table two, and two pints of lager with that as well please mate. " James replied.

I glanced at James and thought, 'the meals these boys ate were huge, how are they all so skinny?'


Me and James had sat ourselves at a table near a large window, he held my hand lightly, but James seemed a little off tonight, and I frowned.

"What's up?" I asked him, stroking his hand with my thumb.

He looked up at me and shook his head, I wondered what was going on with him too.

Everyone on the bus seemed to be on edge at the moment, except Sam and Cameron.

I leaned into James. 

"No James, tell me what's actually wrong, with everyone!" I said.

James revoked eye contact with me and looked down at the table instead. Of course, a table would be more interesting than me when James wanted to get out of admitting something.

"Amamda, you know I love you to death, don't you?" 

"Yeah..." I answered, sounding confused, which I was. 

"The tour is almost over and you go home, all we will be able to do is text. I won't be able to see you again, unless I come over on the time I have off, but you're in another state." He said, sounding very sad.

All of a sudden, everything hit me.

The tour was almost complete.

That meant that I'd have to go back home, no more tours with them unless they invited me, and I wouldn't be able to see James when he was off tour, because he lived in another state.


What were we going to do? We couldn't just end the relationship, could we? 

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