#1: A Bat Leaves Its Cave

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The alley was dimly lit. The eye had to strain to discern shadow from object. But one boy, kneeling on the ground, saw everything all too clearly. He saw his father, whom he'd seen as the world's strongest man, his champion, crumple to the dirtied pavement. His mother's pearls scattered by the recoil of a coward's implement.

Through the tears, the anger, the utter despair, he dared to gaze upon the murderer's face. Within his eyes, his very soul, all he could sense was fear. What had he to be afraid of ? This slayer of men had no qualms taking the lives of two fully grown adults. What could he possibly fear now? An eight year old child?

The killer ran. His heavy footfalls quickly becoming distant. The boy was left alone. No supervisor to speak of. Only the shadows, and the dead, and the rats, paid him company.


"I wish you the best of luck, sir." Rose the voice of an endearing butler.

"Thank you, Alfred." A young man, now fourteen, responds to his caretaker.

This young man, Y/N Bruce Wayne, was on a mission. A mission six years in the making. His goal: to traverse the globe and train himself, hone his skills to become the force of justice his city needed.

The boy stood in his room, his duffel bag fully packed. He was dressed in a turtleneck, windbreaker, cargo pants, and combat boots; all of which were black. Even at such a young age there was such a stoic aura to him.

"Master Y/N..."

"Yes Alfred?" The boy looked over his shoulder.

"I understand that once you set your mind to something you cannot be prevaricated," the man paused, "but why not enroll in a combat school? Would you not receive the guidance and knowledge you seek?"

The room was silent for but a moment, but like all things, it was broken.

"What does a huntsman do, Alfred?"

"I believe that's a well known answer, sir." The mam replied with a raised eyebrow. "They slay monsters."

"They kill grimm, yes, but killing grimm alone will never solve the issue. They feed on our negative emotions. Our rage, our avarice, our lust. Without grimm, those still exist. The creatures were never truly our problem, they were just something to cast blame upon. To distract from the real threat." The male stated sagely.

"And what may that be?" His caretaker asks dreadfully.

Y/N slings his bag over his shoulder.



Y/N's face is slammed into the snow, blood trailing from his mouth.

"Again." Said the Demon's Head.

The boy, age sixteen, raises from the mountain's snow-covered rocks letting out a grunt. He glares up at his mentor. There was no hatred in his eyes, only the determination to succeed.

He dashes towards the man with remarkable speed, going for a horizontal swipe with his katana. Then a diagonal, then vertical. All the while the man merely steps to the side.

"You lack drive, motivation." The instructor divulged.

Going for a downward slash, the pupil found his blade caught between the scallops of his teacher's gauntlet. They are both held within a locked position, the unstoppable force and the immovable object. Y/N will have none of it. The student jerks is weapon to the side. The force exerted pulled the instructor to his left, offsetting his balance. Seizing the opening, Y/N thrusts his fist toward his mentor's face; not with the aim to land a punch, but to maim.

His fist gliding past the man's face, the scallops on his forearm grazing his teacher's face. The unexpected pain briefly threw the man off. A brief moment was all that was needed. Y/N repositioned his sword upside down in his hand and held it at the man's throat.

Ra's Al Ghul, the Demon's Head, looked down upon the boy.



Figured I'd do a Batman story. I get the chapter's really short, but I wanted to tell the story of how Y/N becomes Batman without beating the dead horse's grave, you know? I'm going to be taking inspiration from multiple sources, such as Nolan, Scott Snyder, Tom King, and so on. And don't even get me started on the DCAU...

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