Second times the charm

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AN: So, its come to my attention that I now have a bunch of unused dialogue and scenes that I can no longer use in the story but am unwilling to delete. Perhaps at the end of this story, I'll post them here as an extra. You guys legit don't understand how much was cut from most chapters. Like, the previous chapter was actually supposed to be longer but I cut out a couple of scenes cause it was getting a bit... wordy.


The night air was cold as winter began to set in. The snow softly drifted down, blanketing the land with white. The forest was silent, all the animals burrowed safely in their nests to wait out the cold.

The only sound, heard by those nearby, was the soft sound of breathing. Condensed air slipped past the lips of the man, half-buried in the snow. Despite the chill, the man's body was still, as if he were dead.

Yet he had only been dead for a few moments before life returned to him.

He gasped, his eyes snapping open. The man sat up, curling up to get himself warm again. He looked around, scowling as he noted how deep he'd been buried in the snow.

"Of course it'd be winter when I get sent back." The man said through chattering teeth. "Probably hoping I die of hypothermia, that damn system."

Liang Fei forced himself to stand, wobbling as he did so. He chalked it up to the cold and attempted to jump onto a nearby tree branch. Unfortunately, he only managed to jump a few feet in the air before collapsing into the snow.

He laid there for a minute, his body too cold to move. He knew he should move but he so wanted to sleep just then. Just a minute...


The world was dark and cold yet he knew he wasn't alone. There were others... they were talking in urgent tones.

"Your excellency!?" A female called out, sounding horrified. "W-what are you doing?"

"I'm putting an end to this." A man spoke, his word as desolate as his tone. Liang Fei shivered in despair, though he knew not why.

"This? What 'this'?"Another female asked. "My lord if you continue-"

"I know what will happen. I'm fine with that."

"My lord..."

"Bro, this isn't right! It's not supposed to be this way."

"And what do you know?!"

"I know all of this- It isn't you. You're cold and cruel but you're not evil. You wouldn't-"

"There's nothing else for me in this world. It's still so empty, even after all this time. I've waited, hoping to find something to live for but... It's still so empty."


"So I'll just put an end to it. I'm sorry that you have to be involved but it can't be helped. I'll be sure to make it painless, at least for you.

"Bro, don't-"

The world flashed bright white and shook. The sound drowned out any cries and the world quickly went black.


Liang Fei awoke with a start, unsure of what had just occurred. It was a conversation but it felt... strange.

IT was as if he had been witnessing an event through a heavy fog, muffled and grainy. He frowned, trying to make sense of the words said but...

Why was there a loud beeping sound?!

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