▼ Psychological Facts About Women ▼

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As men and women are very different, each being unique and intricate, the idea that psychologically, they differ and develop in contrasting ways is not new.

》Women have twice as many pain receptors on their bodies than men, but they have a much higher pain tolerance.

Girls Are Born With a Superior Sense of Intuition
Science suggests that girls are born with intuition, which is believed to be a product of evolution. Females need to be able to recognize and predict the needs of their children.

》Girls Have Better Fine Motor Coordination Than Boys
According to a study on fine motor development between preschool girls and boys, girls score higher. Females were more advanced in their fine motor skills. They also touch their toys during individual play more than boys do.

Girls Suffer From Depression More Than Boys
Before adolescence, boys and girls report being depressed in equal numbers. But by the age of 13, a surprising shift occurs. More than twice as many girls as boys say that they're depressed.

The hormone estrogen which is found in both men and women, but in more abundance in women, causes an improvement in your memory function.

Girls Outperform Boys Academically
Girls outperform boys in all grade levels as well as academic subjects. The reason for this is that girls are better at planning ahead, setting academic goals, and putting in the effort to achieve their goals.

Girls Have Better Hearing Than Boys
It turns out, right from birth, girls have more hearing sensitivity than boys. Female hearing is more sensitive to speech patterns, which means it's easier for them to hear what you're talking about.

》A woman's brain is 10% smaller than a man's brain, according to. However, it does not affect the levels of intelligence, and scientists are unsure of which regions hold the volume differences.

》Female brains heat up more, as more glucose is "burnt".

Girls Develop Faster Than Boys
Girls mature faster on a physical level than boys do. They also mature faster in certain emotional and cognitive areas. This is thought to be because girls optimize their brain connections earlier than boys.

》Females are better than males at remembering faces.

Girls Perform Well in Self-Help Skills
Studies show that girls perform better in self-help skills than boys do. Self-help skills are activities or behaviors your child performs that lead to them developing more independence. These can include things like getting dressed, helping with chores, and taking care of their personal hygiene.

》Girls learn to speak and use phrases early and to read faster than boys.

》According to research, women tend to have more nightmares and emotionally based dreams than men.

Girls Are Better at Self-Regulation Than Boys Are
This fact might not come as a surprise given the previous facts about a female's development compared to a male. Studies from the US show that girls outperform boys on measures of self-regulation.

》Men perceive speech with logic so that they hear exactly what is said, while women use their intuition and emotion This helps women see hints and hidden meanings everywhere.

Girls With Brothers Have a Different Gender Development
A study from the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology looked at the role of siblings in gender development. It found that girls who have an older brother were associated with more masculine and less feminine behavior. It also found that boys who have an older sister were more feminine but not less masculine.

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