Place to Stay

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When y/n's boyfriend decides to kick her out after a nasty breakup, she runs to her best friend in search of comfort and a place to stay, but she finds out she means a lot more to him than she thought.

Warnings: some curse words

Word Count: 1416


"Jayden, what the hell are you talking about?" I yell right back at him. I'm surprised our neighbors haven't come to see what all the yelling is about.

"Oh, shut it, y/n! You know exactly what I'm talking about. I should've known that you and Colby were more than just friends." He shouts back at me. Here he goes with this again. I have told him time and time again that Colby is nothing more than my friend. I don't tell Jayden that Colby is my best friend because he is obviously insecure about how close we are. I can't help that Colby and I have been best friends since we were 18. We met when he moved to L.A. and we just clicked. We've hung out and done crazy stuff together. Our bond is unbreakable, and I thought that Jayden was okay with our friendship, but I was clearly mistaken.

"Colby and I are just friends. I love you and only you, Jay! I don't understand why you can't just trust me with him." I angrily scream at him. His deep green eyes change from anger to slight sadness as he looks at me.

"I trust you and love you, y/n, but I don't trust him." His voice was softer when he said that, and he reached his hand out to me. I declined it, still pissed at the conversation we were having at the moment. He frowned and dropped his hand to his side.

"You don't trust me with him, Jayden. It's obvious." I slightly raise my voice, "And if you truly loved me, you wouldn't get so upset about this." He huffs out and rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"So, you're still going to be friends with him?" He asks me, his eyes pleading me to say no.

"Of course, I am." I scoff out.

"Well then, get out." He sternly states. I stare at him dumbfounded. Was he really kicking me out after we've lived together for almost a year and dating for two years?

"So that's it? It's over? Because I won't stop being friends with Colby. You really don't trust me that much?" I question him and he nods, not looking me in the eyes.

"Fuck you," I mutter as I push past him to our room. I grab my bag and stuff as much shit into as I can. I furiously zip it up and walk out of the room to see Jayden sitting on the couch staring at his phone.

"I really can't believe you," I tell him, causing his gaze to rise from his phone to me. Still, he doesn't say a word. I roll my eyes at him.

"I'll be back later to get the rest of my shit," I tell him, and he nods. I walk out of the apartment and slam the door shut. I was too mad to sit and wait on the elevator, so I stomp my way down the stairs. I storm to my car and throw my bag into the passenger's seat.

After I take a seat and have a moment alone to think, I burst into tears. I love Jayden so much and the fact that he ended everything because I wouldn't stop being friends with Colby was too much right now. I need Colby right now.

I start my car and pull out of my apartment complex. I can barely see through my tears and tonight happens to be the one time it rains in L.A. I park my car outside of Colby's when I get there and turn off the ignition.

I wipe away most of my tears before grabbing my bag and getting out. I walk in the rain until I make it to the building and get to the elevator. Once I'm in it, the tears start flowing again.

"Shit" I mumble to myself as I try to wipe them away, but they keep coming. The elevator doors open on the fifth floor and I walk to Colby's door. I try to calm myself down enough to talk to him and I knock. I hear him flip the lock and open the door. His ocean eyes meet mine and they look sad as he realizes I've been crying.

"What's wrong?" He asks me, voice full of concern.

"I need a place to stay," I whisper, trying not to break down in the middle of the hallway. I fall into his arms, crying. He rubs my back comfortingly and pulls me into the apartment, closing the door with his foot.

"Let's go over to the couch, okay?" He asks me, pulling away to look at me. I nod and follow him as he has my hand, leading the way. We sit down and he holds my hands, rubbing circles on the back of them soothingly.

"Tell me what happened between you and Jayden." I sigh and think back on the events of tonight.

"I got back from hanging out with Kat and when I got home, he was pissed about something. I asked about it and he went off on me about you and me." Confusion covered his face and I continued explaining.

"He doesn't trust me with you, or he doesn't trust you with me as he says. Then he asked me if I was still going to be friends with you. I said yes and he told me to get out. Now I'm here." I cry to him.

"I can't believe he let our friendship affect your two-year relationship," Colby whispers as he wipes away some of the tears on my cheek.

"I know. I think he jealous of you or he thinks you like me like that or something." I tell him as I lean onto the couch, getting a little sleepy. Colby got up and pulled me with him.

"Come on. Let's go to bed." He tells me, pulling me towards his room.

"No, it's fine. I'll sleep on the couch. I kind of want to be alone right now." I drop my hand from his as I speak. He quickly grabs it again and looks at me.

"Come on. It's not like we haven't slept together before and I don't want you to be out here alone and sad." His eyes gaze at me longingly. I mean, if I'm being honest with myself, I don't want to be alone. I just don't want to bother him while I cry myself to sleep.

"If you want me to, I will," I say, and he nods his head. I change into some dry and comfy clothes before hopping in bed with him. When I lay down and get to thinking about it again, I silently cry. I sniffled a little and Colby heard it.

"Hey, come here." He says as he pulls me into his side, my face resting on his chest and his arm holding me close.

"I wasted two years of my life with him," I tell my best friend.

"He wasn't good for you, y/n, but he wasn't wrong." I lift my head from his chest and look at him in curiosity.

"What?" Maybe Jayden and I weren't meant to be, and he was right in breaking up with me, but that isn't something you say to your friend who just broke up her boyfriend and got kicked out of her home.

"He wasn't wrong to think that I like you as more than a friend because I do, y/n. I always have and now might not be the best time to tell you, but I didn't want to tell you while you were with Jayden. I was going to tell you before you got with him, but when I was going to tell you, you were telling me all about him and I decided it wasn't a good time to-" I cut off his speech with a kiss. I pulled away and smiled at him.

"Colby, the reason I gave Jayden a chance was because I thought I didn't have a shot with you. He had been pestering me to go out with him for months and I kept declining in hopes you and I would date, but eventually, I gave up and let him take me out." I tell him as I watch a wide grin spread across his face.

"So, what does this mean?" He questions. I wrap my arms around his neck and snuggle into him.

"It means we keep being us and see what happens."

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