Best Gift Ever

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Y/n and Colby have been trying for a baby for a while now and haven't had much luck, but when Christmas comes around, Y/n finds out she has received the best Christmas gift ever and shares the news with her husband and friends.

Warnings: some curse words; mentions of trouble with pregnancy

Word Count: 1847


"It's just the cold weather, babe. I'll get over it soon, I promise." I tell my love. I almost sound dead with how scratchy my voice sounds. All day, I have been coughing, sniffling, and throwing up. I think it's just the flu or a bad cold, but I can't help the little bit of hope that I feel, wishing and praying that I'm pregnant.

Colby and I have been trying for months with no luck at all. We both want a child so badly and I feel terrible that I can't give him one. I shake the thought from my mind and bring my attention back to the man I love.

"Go hang out with Sam or Jake or something. I don't want to get you sick. It sucks." I tell him as I throw the covers over my head and let out a loud groan. I hear him chuckle beside me and rub my leg through the blankets.

"I'm not leaving you all alone, but I will go get your favorite soup from that place you love. The one beside the sushi spot?" He pulled the blanket back a little to see me. I propped myself up on my elbows and smiled sweetly at him.

"Will you?" I asked him, to which he nodded.

"Of course, I will." He told me as he got up and leaned over me, pressing his lips to my forehead.

"Quit! You'll get sick!" I push him away playfully as I shout at him through my messed-up voice. He laughs softly.

"No, I won't. I'm going to go, and I'll be right back. It might be a while with all the last-minute Christmas shopping that everyone will be doing, but I will be back as soon as possible." He tells me as he strides closer to the door.

"Love you. Be careful." I whisper to him and lay back against the pillows.

"I will. Love you too." He says before shutting the bedroom door. As soon as I hear the front door shut, I quickly get out of bed and head to the bathroom. First, I puke, and then I grab some of the pregnancy tests that I keep under the sink just in case.

I take one of the cheap little paper ones and wait for the results. My leg bounces as I sit on the side of the bathtub and wait. I try my best to keep my expectations low and keep whispering to myself, "You're not pregnant, y/n," over and over again.

My phone timer goes off, signaling that it was time to check it. I slowly reach out for the tiny sliver of paper and look at the results, expecting to see the lone line. When my eyes rested on it, they couldn't believe what they saw. There was one line that was very prominent like every other time I took one of these tests, but this time, there was a very faint line next to it.

"Oh my God," I whispered to myself as I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. A smile crept its way onto my face, but I didn't let myself get too excited yet. I have several different types of pregnancy tests in the cabinet under the sink and false positives are a real thing that happen all the time. They've happened to us before. One time, we got a positive on one test, but all the others said negative and we were devastated.

I grabbed three different types of pregnancy tests and did them. I set my phone timer up again and sat back down on the edge on the bathtub. I leaned my head in my hands and prayed continuously that the first test wasn't false and that I was truly pregnant.

The timer went off again and I let out a shaky breath to steady my nerves. I looked at the first one, a regular blue one, and read it. It looked similar to the first test, a very much there blue line and a little faint one beside it. I grabbed the next one. It was pink and it also had a very pronounced red line and a light line crossed through it. The last one was a digital one and it read 'pregnant'.

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