Are You Fucking Stupid

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The guys invited y/n to tag along with them as they went to Witches Forest, but after a scarring and emotion-filled event or two, she contemplates this trip being her last with the boys.

Warnings: some curse words

Word Count: 3978


"Let's go camping, guys!" I shout happily as I skip along the way towards the tent, even though I could barely see in the misty dark forest and I don't really know where I am going.

"How is she so fucking happy and excited? Does she know what we are doing?" I hear Corey ask someone behind me. I stop skipping so that I don't drop all the supplies in my arms and keep walking next to Colby.

"Corey, you got to remember this is her first trip with us. She doesn't know what we do, but she will find out soon," Colby says to Corey as he maintains his attention focused in front of us.

"I'm not an idiot, Brock. I did my research. I watched the last series. I still don't know why you two decided to trust that Jennifer girl. She was giving me weird vibes in the Stanley videos. And, it might be scary, Corey, but I am really excited," I tell them all.

"Don't question her, brother. She's probably the least scared one of us all, except for maybe Sam because he isn't scared of anything," Jake comments, receiving chuckles from the whole group.

"Wait, where's the tent?" Corey asks, worry and concern laced within his voice.

"No, you got to keep going, bro," Sam informs him from the back of the group. Colby and I were leading the crew with Corey close behind, then Jake and Sam were at the tail end of the pack.

"You sure?" Corey questions him, but Colby reassures him that we are on the right track. We all get slightly worried until we see the beautiful blue thing before us.

"Oh God, what is that?" Sam asks as he points the camera off to the side of the tent. When my eyes follow the same direction, they see nothing except darkness and trees.

"What was what?" Colby inquires.

"Shut up, Sam," Jake pushes it off as a joke.

"I don't see anything," I add.

"I-I thought I saw an animal or a figure or something," the blonde informs the group before shrugging off the thought.

"Yo dude, I sw- I swear to God I saw the same thing like a shadow go that way, right?" Colby mentions as he points in the direction that he saw the shadow go with his head since his arms and hands are occupied with water and other things we will need tonight.

"Yeah, I thought- Are there-" Sam tries to start a few different sentences before a noise from the forest interrupts him. It came from the same direction of where the two said the figure was. "Are there animals?" He whispers.

"Did you hear that?" Colby asks him, to which he says yes.

"That could be an animal," I say. I hope it was an animal. It sounded like one, but the way that their minds immediately think it was something other than that, makes me want to think it was something else too.

"Oh, we didn't even think about that. There's like bears and stuff out here," Colby says as he realizes it might not be the worst thing he thought it could be and it might just be an animal. After that, we put the supplies into the tent and set everything up.


"This dude claims he's a fucking eagle scout," Jake tells the camera after Colby spilled lighter fluid all on the side of the pot and on the grass around it. He got more of it on the outside than the inside. The claimed boy scout ignites the wood with a lighter and the small flames begin to grow. As it grows a little more, we back our chairs away from it to keep a good distance from the growing campfire. After it settles down a tad, Sam whips the camera back out to continue filming.

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