In His Arms

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You decided to join Tara and do the box challenge that Sam and Colby did on Kian and Jc's channel a little while ago, but when it gets down to it, your nerves and the heat become all too much for you and Colby isn't there.

Requested by @maniccolby on Wattpad 🧡

Warnings: some curse words; fainting

Word Count: 3.4k+


"Everyone, say hi to the camera," Jc told you all as Bobby panned the camera over the group of girls. You and Tara shared an awkward look as you two waved at Bobby. Your nerves were heightening with every second that got you closer to getting into the box.

Earlier, Colby told you that it got quite hot in the transparent container, but he encouraged you by telling you that he knew his girl could do it. That was the mantra that you replayed over and over in your head. His words were on repeat in your brain. 'If anyone can do it, it's my girl.'

Kian and Jc explained the rules of the box and told you all your limitations. You each were only allowed one bathroom pass, a granola bar, and a water bottle. Kristen then spoke up for her and Franny, mentioning how they were both on their period before you looked to Tara wide-eyed. You two both knew how bad your periods were, so you were thanking whoever was up in the sky that blessed you to get your period last week and not this week. The whole group of girls laughed at the duo of boys and how awkward they were, not knowing how to deal with the situation of menstruation.

"We're gonna give you guys numbers and this is the order you're gonna go in the box. So, you get to choose where you wanna go," Jc announced before Kian helped him pass out granola bars and water. Jc let each of you grab a little piece of paper out of the black hat. Kristen got the first one while Nezza got the last one. Tara got 4 and you got 7. You huffed before showing her your number and she gave you a pitiful look.

"Sorry, babe," she mumbled before patting your back and getting in line. You found your spot between Mariah and Nezza and pulled out your phone to send a quick text to Colby.

Y/n: about to go in wish me luck

Colby: what did i tell you? youre my girl and you got this love you bby

Y/n: love you too

You turned your phone off at that point and handed it over to Jc who placed it with the others.

"You don't look very happy," Jc remarked. You did not mean to have an outward look of despondency, but the bad feeling in the pit of your stomach that you couldn't seem to shake made you show how unexcited you were.

"Just a little tired. That's all," you encouraged as you plastered a half-assed smile on your face.

"Okay well, you're up, chief," he said as he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder and ushered you in. You found an open spot at the back against the wall between Chelsey and Sarah and took it. After Nezza walked in and they screwed the door shut, reality set in. This was it. You were in and there was no backing out now.

After a while, you realized that Colby might have been right about the fact that you could do it. All the girls started talking to each other and it really calmed your nerves, and you weren't the only one kinda freaking out to begin with. Kristen thought about dipping right when the door was shut. Sarah was cracking jokes which helped as well, and it was proving to not be so bad in the box.

"Did you braid your hair?" Chelsey asked you as she brought a hand up to look at the braid that was resting on your shoulder. "It's pretty."

"Yeah, I did. Thanks," you said with a smile growing on your face.

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