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Colby tries to stay the night in y/n's apartment without her knowing, like he did at Sam's, but when she overhears him in her kitchen, she fears someone much scarier is in her home for reasons other than video content.

Warnings: some curse words

Word Count: 1897


Colby's POV

"So, I'm going to stay the night in y/n's apartment tonight if you need me," I tell Sam on the phone. We were going to get together and start editing our new series, but it's Thursday. I have to post tomorrow and have nothing. The viewers have been wanting me to sleep in someone's else house like I did in Sam's. Most were saying to do Jake or y/n since they both live in the same apartment complex as us. I kind of want to do y/n because I think her reaction will be funnier and I've already snuck into Jake's place when I redid his bedroom. And, y/n's hanging out with some of the girls tonight, leaving her apartment open and free for me to enter since she gave me the spare key to it when we moved in.

"Okay, good luck!" Sam's chipper voice flows through my ears as we say our goodbyes and hang up. Since she isn't there, it will be a lot easier to sneak into than when I did Sam's. I grabbed a bag and started to put the different things I would need tonight in it. Snacks, a charger, a pillow, a blanket, headphones, my camera. I change from my clothes of the day into my new Take Chances hoodie and some sweatpants to get a little more comfortable. I walk into the kitchen and prop my camera up to begin my intro.

"Guess what, guys? We're back at it again, sneaking into my friend's houses and staying the night without them knowing." I say and pause for a second, so Reggie knows to add the vlog clip here.

"So, y/n is out right now with Tara, Devyn, Kat, and Cassie, leaving her place open for me to come in and stay at. Now, y/n isn't like Jake, who leaves his house unlocked, so you may be thinking to yourself right now how I'm going to get in. Well, I'll tell you. Back when we moved in, we all chose someone to have our spare key. I gave mine to Sam, Jake gave his to y/n, and Sam and y/n gave me theirs. That was their first mistake. So, I have this thing to get me in." I say as I show the camera y/n's key.

"I've packed a bag with all the things I'll need and all we have to do is go in and find a spot. I think they already left, but I'm not sure so I'm going to leave everything here and go over to check. If she's there, I'll say I have the camera because I'm going to Sam's to film and I came over to get something to eat because I do that a lot. She has good snacks and stuff." I say as I laugh to myself. I leave my apartment and walk over to y/n's which is right next to mine. I knock, just in case she is there, but I hear nothing, so I pull out my key and go in. When I open the door, she walks out of her room.

"Hey, I was coming, but it looks like you know how to get in," She giggles as she runs her fingers through her curled hair. Her makeup and hair were done, but she was still wearing a t-shirt and leggings.

"Yeah, I thought you'd have been gone by now, but I was coming to see what you got to eat before I head over to Sam's." I smile, trying my best to hide what I was actually doing. She lightly giggles again before speaking.

"I went grocery shopping yesterday. You know where everything is, but I have to finish getting ready." She went back to her room and I let out a breath before turning to the camera.

"That was close guys, but it looks like she's about to leave and as soon as she does, it's go time," I whisper to the camera before I turn around to look for something to eat.

"I have leftover Olive Garden in the fridge!" I hear y/n yell from her room. Oh, that sounds good right now. I grab it from the fridge and pop it in the microwave. I hear her footsteps coming closer. By the sound of it, she's wearing heels.

Colby Brock ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon