Love Her

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Based on "Love Her" by the Jonas Brothers, it's a series of little stories of the ups and downs of a relationship with Colby.

A/N: I loved writing this. It was a new style for me and I kinda dig it, so if y'all wanna request more song fics, that would be great.

Requested by an amazing anon on Tumblr 💙 If y'all wanna request something, just shoot me a message or leave a comment!

Warnings: some curse words

Word Count: 1.9k+


Drive me crazy, make me mental

No other buttons she can push

"What are you doing?" you asked Colby for the third time. You had spaced out the times you had asked him pretty well, but you were honestly just bored and wanted to snuggle up to him and watch a movie or something. However, you laid in his bed alone. He was in bed with you earlier, but when he left to go to the bathroom, he sprawled out on the couch instead. You wanted to get up and lay with him there but sensed some sort of tension, so you stayed put. Y'all had been on your phones the whole time, but he had recently switched to his laptop and you wanted to know why.

"The same thing I was doing earlier, y/n. Work stuff," he let out with a huff. Maybe he was stressed or maybe he was tired of you. You didn't know, but you felt bad for being there. You walked into his bathroom to use it for a minute before entering his room again and plopping down on the bed. Since you were bored and Colby didn't seem to be available, you got on TikTok but made sure you turned your volume down a lot so it wouldn't bother him, but he somehow still heard it.

"Do you want to go home? I can take you home if you want," Colby offered, but by the tone of his voice, it came out slightly harsher than he intended. You paused your video and tried to stop the tears that sprung into your eyes. He is just a little stressed. That's it. It's not your fault, y/n. He's not mad at you. You told yourself.

"Do you want me to go home, Colby? It sounds like you don't want me here," You stated sternly as you fought back the tears and sat up on the bed. His eyes met yours and immediately softened when he saw your expression. He walked over to you and sat next to your figure.

"I'm sorry. I've just got a lot to do today and haven't had the time to spend with you that I should have. I thought I'd have more time when I invited you, but stuff came up. I'm sorry, sweetheart. Let me finish up a few more things and then I'm all yours, okay?" He asked as he brought his fingers to your chin to direct your face to look at his. Lightly, you nodded your head and gave him a small smile. He planted a chaste kiss to your cheek before finishing up the last of his work things for the day.

One second she's Miss Sentimental

Then she's afraid she's said too much

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Colby asked after he noticed you had not said much in a while, which is very unlike you. You were normally quite the chatterbox, but he didn't mind it. You laid with your back against his chest in one of the blue lounge chairs that sat by the pool. You and Colby always loved to go out and look at the stars, and lately, this was your favorite spot to do so.

"Just thinking," you whispered as you gazed at a particular star that was twinkling brightly in its spot in the endless darkness of the wide open sky.

"What about, princess?" He pressed and you smiled as you looked up at him.

"Remember when we first did this?" You questioned and he hummed in response. You continued on with the story of how Colby had driven you to a place out on the edge of the city that had a lookout where you could see Los Angeles and all of its beauty. You two stayed there that night, looking at the beautiful view of the large city and all of the stars that inhabited the sky.

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